工信部无线充ichaiyang 2024-06-19 17:56 32
1, Does wireless charging technology radiate the human body? Does it cause cancer? 2, Wireless charging technology for electric vehicles is activated, and traditional charging pi...

Miit wireless charging (MIIT wireless charging power)

Does wireless charging technology radiate the human body? Does it cause cancer?

1, no strong radiation, no effect on the human body! The main principle is: the way of wireless charging is electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling and radio wave transmission, etc. Most of the wireless charging of mobile phones uses the principle of electromagnetic induction.

2, for the human body: wireless charging technology is harmless to the human bodyAutomobile wireless charging system Part 1: General requirements and other 4 national standards; The "New energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" also points out that it is necessary to strengthen the research and development of new charging technologies such as intelligent and orderly charging, high-power charging, and wireless charging.

Wireless charging technology, as a non-contact charging method, has significant advantages compared with traditional wired charging, especially its non-inductive and convenient characteristics. Imagine a future of wireless charging networks on highways, where electric cars can easily recharge on the go. However, this techniqueCan it solve the problem of lack of charging piles? The first issue is standardization at the national level.

Many cities have not popularized electric vehicle charging pile, pure electric vehicle charging convenient? Most pure electric vehicles use charging stations to supplement battery life. According to statistics, as of September 2018, the number of public toll piles in China has reached 285,000. Although the number of charging piles is increasing, it will never solve the problem of slow charging and inconvenient use.

However, wireless charging technology also has some limitations. Its transmission efficiency is relatively low, the charging speed is slow, and it is stopped for vehiclesThe requirements for placement are more strict. In addition, compared with traditional charging piles, the cost of wireless charging systems is higher, and the charging standards of various brands have not yet been unified. The wireless charging methods of electric vehicles are mainly divided into two types: electromagnetic induction and magnetic resonance.

Can electric cars be charged wirelessly?

1, wireless charging is not a new, this wireless charging method has long appeared in our daily life, such as mobile phones, smart watches, headphones, electric toothbrushes, etc., have wireless charging function. And these productsThe wireless charging mode will indeed allow us to reduce some charging troubles in the process of use. Therefore, if the wireless charging can be installed on the car, the problem of difficult charging will be alleviated to a certain extent.

2, electromagnetic induction - the primary coil of a certain frequency of alternating current, through electromagnetic induction in the secondary coil clock to produce a certain current, so as to transfer energy from the transmission end to the receiving end.

3, as long as the driver drives the car over the wireless charger, the system will automatically charge the car. A domestic electric vehicle company is also studying wireless charging technology, which has entered the experimental stage in the near futureMass production is possible in the future. In fact, wireless charging technology is not a tall technology, it is the use of electromagnetic induction principle or magnetic field resonance principle, to achieve the wireless transmission of electric energy.