宠物芯片查询网ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:55 29
First match the dog's information, check the chip ID number. Before injecting the chip, place the chip reader on the needle to make sure the reading is clear. This number matches t...

How do you implant a dual-lineage chip?

First match the dog's information, check the chip ID number. Before injecting the chip, place the chip reader on the needle to make sure the reading is clear. This number matches the dog's profile with the only certainty.

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After the dog is immobilized, the chip is injected between the dog's shoulder blades, gently pulled on the skin, and applied directly under the skin. The implant has no adverse effects on the dog and does not require alcohol wipes or other measures.

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After the chip is implanted, check it regularly once a year to make sure it is working properly, and if the phone number or any other contact information changes, contact the manufacturer's database or veterinarian to update the information as soon as possible.