充电宝安卓无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 23:11 23
Wireless charging via electromagnetic induction technology. Because the charging bank has a coil built in, when it is placed on the wireless charger, the charger will generate a c...

How to charge the power bank wirelessly?

Wireless charging via electromagnetic induction technology.
Because the charging bank has a coil built in, when it is placed on the wireless charger, the charger will generate a certain electromagnetic field, which will activate the internal coil of the charging bank and generate induction current, so as to achieve wireless charging. This technology is electromagnetic induction technology. In addition, more efficient and long-distance wireless charging technologies have emerged in recent years, such as resonant induction and magnetic resonance, which require special resonance circuits inside the device to charge more quickly and be more convenient to use.

Wireless charging requires two conditions: wireless charging technology and receiving wireless charging equipment. Wireless charging technology usually uses electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance and radio frequency energy transmission. Devices that receive wireless charging need to add a wireless charging receiver to their device. When the distance between the charging bank and the receiving device is close enough, the wireless charging technology will transmit the electric energy to the receiving device, so as to realize the wireless charging of the charging bank.

If you want to use the charging treasure wireless charging, you first need to support the wireless charging function of the charging treasure, and the mobile phone also supports wireless charging, and then open the power supply of the charging treasure, and the back of the mobile phone can be charged on the charging treasure.