苹果无线充设置ichaiyang 2024-05-08 23:10 25
1, the new machine is recommended not to rush to charge, the normal use of electricity to the screen prompts 10% need to charge. Then shut down, shut down and charge once.The new m...

Is there a requirement for the first few times of charging Apple mobile phone?

1, the new machine is recommended not to rush to charge, the normal use of electricity to the screen prompts 10% need to charge. Then shut down, shut down and charge once.

The new machine is best to use electricity for the first time, it is recommended not to use it up! The new lithium-ion polymer battery, unlike the old battery, has no memory effect.

2, first plug the data cable into the Apple charging port, and then plug the two-hole plug into the socket. The time to use the remaining 10% for the first time and then fully charge it is about 4 hours.

This is only the approximate time, the duration will change due to the ambient temperature changes around the charging, if the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees, it is recommended to put the apple in a warm environment for charging, the ambient temperature between 0 degrees and 35 degrees is the appropriate temperature for the use and storage of the Apple 6 battery, 22 degrees is the best temperature. Note that the iPhone 6 battery is not easy to charge at low temperatures. The appropriate temperature of the environment when charging is 10-35 degrees. Lower than 10 degrees charge slower! Ambient temperatures of more than 35 degrees can seriously reduce the effective capacity of the battery, causing irreparable damage. 3, how to judge whether it is full: press the home button in the center of the screen will appear a large battery icon is full of green and there is no white lightning symbol under the battery, it is fully full state! The status when charging is a large battery icon with a white lightning bolt symbol for charging.

Sometimes the shutdown charging is actually completely full, press the home button to observe that it will be completely full, but the green battery also has a lightning symbol! The battery circuit design has a protective function, in order to prevent overflushing, if the battery continues to plug in after full, it will automatically discharge a small part, and then continue to trickle charging.

This is also marked with a lightning bolt.

If you want the time statistics on the ipad after the last full charge to display normally, you can choose to turn on the charge.

In order to ensure the safety of the equipment, another suggestion is to disconnect the charger in time when it is fully charged, and it is useless to charge more.4, after it is fully charged, do not pull out the data cable at this time, and do not unplug! Then press and hold the power button normally for a while, and the screen will quickly appear the charging status chart and flash, and then the white Apple logo logo will appear until the normal startup.

After starting up step 5, first pull the plug out of the socket, and then pull out the data cable connector on the apple, the step is exactly the opposite of charging.

5, after entering the system lock screen interface, a box will pop up saying that the battery has been charged 100% after disappearing, swipe the screen to enter, at this time, the upper right corner will display 100% and the small battery icon will have a small plug to mark the fully full state (if the battery is charged after 100% display, the small battery icon has a lightning symbol at this time the battery is charging at a trickle, Need to wait for more than 10 minutes until the identifier is converted to a small plug identifier is fully full) Setting - General - usage will see the time statistics since the last full charge.

Usage time and standby time start from 1 minute.

6, use about a month for full charge and discharge once! The battery is automatically turned off, and then turned off and fully charged once. It is recommended not to charge while playing games when charging, which is not good for the battery.

As for the Hong Kong Bank, most of them are automatically turned on when they reach enough power to turn on after plugging in and then charging. Of course, if you turn off the machine manually at this time, you can also rush.

(The national bank will not automatically open the machine) On the problem of charging dissatisfaction: you can try the 6th full discharge and then shut down and full once, if still dissatisfied, replace a charger.

Most are the charger or very few data cable problems. 7, the number of battery charging is calculated by the use cycle. A charge cycle means that all of the battery's power is used up (but it is not the same as a charge) and then full to a full charge cycle.

In order to maintain the proper state of battery charging, please ensure that at least once a month to go through the charging cycle, that is, after the battery is full and then completely used up, the iphone only needs to be fully charged and discharged once a month or so.

Apple mobile phones use lithium batteries, and lithium batteries are used for the first time without any special requirements, according to the standard use.

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For the newly bought lithium-ion battery \"activation\" problem, many say: the charging time must be more than 12 hours, repeated three times in order to activate the battery. This statement that \"the first three charges should be charged for more than 12 hours\" is obviously a continuation of the statement from nickel batteries (such as nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride). So it's a misrepresentation to begin with. There is a very big difference between the charge and discharge characteristics of lithium batteries and nickel batteries, and it can be very clear to tell you that all serious formal technical information emphasizes that overcharge and overdischarge will cause great harm to lithium batteries, especially liquid lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, it is best to charge according to the standard time and standard method, especially not to charge for more than 12 hours.

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So does the battery need to be activated? The answer is yes, it needs to be activated! However, this process is completed by the manufacturer, has nothing to do with the user, and the user has no ability to complete. The real activation process of a lithium battery is like this: Lithium-ion battery shell injection electrolyte - sealing - formation, that is, constant voltage charging, and then discharge, so that several cycles, so that the electrode is fully infiltrated electrolyte fully activated, until the capacity meets the requirements, this is the activation process - capacitance, that is to say, after the factory lithium-ion battery to the user's hand has been activated. In addition, the activation process of some of these batteries requires the battery to be in an open state, and then sealed after activation, unless you have cell production equipment, otherwise how to complete?

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But why do some product manuals say that users are advised to fully charge and discharge their phones for the first three uses? Isn't that activation? In fact, in the battery factory, and then sales, and then to the user's hands, will experience a period of time, a month or a few months, so that the battery electrode material will be \"passivation\