苹果无线充设置ichaiyang 2024-05-08 23:10 24
Connect to wifi using wps as follows:WPS is a method that allows users to access WiFi using a button or PIN code without knowing the encrypted password. How does wps connect to wif...

How to use wps to quickly connect to wifi?

Connect to wifi using wps as follows:

WPS is a method that allows users to access WiFi using a button or PIN code without knowing the encrypted password. How does wps connect to wifi? Here is how to do it:

1. Open Settings, click Wlan on the page, and then click Advanced Settings.

2. Click the Connect Wps menu on the advanced Settings page and wait for Wps to connect.

3, press the Wps connection button of the router, and then pop up the prompt that the network has been successfully connected.