无线充在高原ichaiyang 2024-06-13 14:43 45
1, I'm going to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau tomorrow, which is more than 2,000 meters above sea level.The instructions on my iPhone say that the charger on my iPhone doesn't... 2,...

Wireless charging at high altitude (wireless charging waste electricity efficiency is low)

I knowDays to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, more than 2000 meters above sea level. The instructions on my iPhone say that the charger on my iPhone doesn't...

1, just to say that this product can ensure that 2000 altitude when the various tests, meet the regulatory requirements and so on. In fact, the design goal is higher than that. But in practice, it's also about cost control.

2, this is the 3C national compulsory certification of the transformer standard requirements, can refer to GB4941-2011 (there should be several related standards, uncertain). Increasing altitude causes a decrease in air pressure, and standards require componentsIncrease the distance to ensure safety, 2,000 meters is a gear, and 5,000 meters. Wireless charge at high altitude Your charger can only guarantee normal use below 2000 meters, exceeding the nominal range of use at your own risk.

3, replace the original charger For non-original charger, this is caused by the charger specification is not up to standard, replace an original charger can be. Check the original charger If the original charger has the above fault, please refer to the tips below. Check the data cable. Check whether the data cable is normal. Data cable looks normal on the outside, but insideIt's already broken. My data cable was only found broken when I cut through the outer plastic.

4, solution iphone charger can not be flushed on the solution Wireless charging in the plateau : For non-original charger, this is caused by the charger specification is not up to standard, replace the qualified charger can be. Please check whether the data cable is normal. The check method is to borrow someone else's data cable to see if it can be charged. Under normal circumstances, the plug symbol will be displayed only when it is full, but it is still full or low, but it can be displayed, indicating that there is no problem with the tail plug of the phone.

3, advantages, solar photovoltaic power generation process is simple, no mechanical rotating parts, no fuel consumption, no emissions including greenhouse gases inAny substance within, no noise, no pollution; Solar energy resources are widely distributed and inexhaustible.

4, disadvantages: slightly slower charging speed: compared with wired charging treasure, even with fast charging, wireless charging treasure charging speed will be slightly slower, especially for large-capacity battery equipment, charging time is longer. Compatibility limitations: Wireless charging bank requires devices to support Qi or other wireless charging standards, and devices that do not support wireless charging technology cannot enjoy its convenience.

5, the meaning is different off-grid system, also known as independent solar power generation system is independent of the gridThe system of vertical operation mainly consists of solar panels, energy storage batteries, charge and discharge controllers, inverters and other components. The electricity emitted by the solar panel flows directly into the battery and is stored, and when it is necessary to supply electrical power, the direct current in the battery flows through the inverter and is converted into 220V alternating current.

6, in fact, we all know that as long as it is charging will cause damage to the battery, but wireless charging and wired charging are compared, wireless charging will cause more damage to the battery, because wireless charging will generate more heat, the heat generated is relatively large damage to the battery. Wire charge or notCharging the battery is controlled by the internal circuit of the mobile phone, and the initial voltage for the normal operation of the internal control circuit of the mobile phone is provided by the battery.

What is a plateau charger?

1, this is the 3C national mandatory certification of the transformer standard requirements wireless charging in the plateau , can refer to GB4941-2011 (there should be several related standards, uncertain). The increase in altitude will lead to a decrease in air pressure, and the standard requires that the component distance be increased to ensure safety, 2000 meters is a limitAnd 5,000 meters. Your charger can only guarantee normal use below 2000 meters, exceeding the nominal range of use at your own risk.

2, can. High altitude Wireless charging in the plateau the charger may not meet the safety regulations, the charger just becomes less safe. Only for safety reasons, manufacturers in order to avoid liability, indicate the altitude use environment. It is difficult to dissipate heat at high altitudes, so capacity reduction is needed. This is because the motor has coils, which need to dissipate heat. Highland areas are difficult to heat, so motor appliances need to reduce capacity.

3, of course, it can be used, and the current charger and charging bank are normally used in high-altitude areas, and will not have any impact, so you can rest assured that you can use it boldly.

4, is "travel charge", is currently common on the market, can connect a variety of cable charging plug. Usually the two metal feet that are plugged in can be folded.

5, the reason is that the charging temperature is too high and the charging current is insufficient. Charging temperature is too high: in the plateau area, due to thin oxygen and low air temperature, the charging treasure is easy to heat up when charging, while the air pressure in the plateau area is low, and the air temperature is also low, resulting in chargingThe heat dissipation of the device is poor, and the temperature rises during charging, which will affect the charging effect of the charging treasure.

Does wireless charging technology radiate the human body? Does it cause cancer?

1, for the human body: wireless charging technology is safe and harmless to the human body. The resonance principle used by wireless charging is magnetic field resonance, which is transmitted only between coils resonating at the same frequency, and other devices cannot accept the band, in addition, the magnetic field used by wireless charging technology is itself harmless to the human body.

2, in fact, can be very sure of the sizeHome says the harm of wireless charging to the human body is very small, almost negligible. This is like the Wi-Fi, mobile phones, TVS and other electronic products we usually use, and we do not exist between the transmitter and the receiver the radiation level is small, and the main frequency absorbed by the human body is inconsistent with the charging frequency, so we can not worry about the harm of wireless charging.

3, conclusion: Wireless chargers do produce electromagnetic radiation, although the value is usually small, but should be wary of its possible cumulative effect. With the popularity of wireless charging technology, users are exposed to radiation in daily lifeMore and more sources, such as mobile phones, computers, WiFi, etc., long-term accumulation may have an impact on health. Wireless Charging Technology and controversy With the development of mobile Internet, the rise of wireless charging function has led to a discussion on electromagnetic radiation. 4, from the theoretical point of view, wireless charging technology is safe and harmless to the human body, the resonance principle of wireless charging is magnetic resonance, only in the same frequency resonance between the coil transmission, and other devices can not accept the band, in addition, the magnetic field used by wireless charging technology itself is harmless to the human body.

5, convenience needless to say, in addition,Wireless charging is also safer, there is no exposed connector, leakage, electricity and other safety hazards are completely avoided. Some people worry about the problem of radiation, this technology was first used in water purifiers, so far has been eight years, the safety has been verified by 36 countries, certainly will not cause harm to the human body and the environment.

Plateau charging treasure cannot be charged

You want to ask wireless charging in the plateau is the plateau charging treasure can not be charged what is the reason? The reason is high charging temperature and chargingThe current is insufficient. Charging temperature is too high: In the plateau area wireless charging in the plateau , due to thin oxygen wireless charging in the plateau , the air temperature is low wireless charging in the plateau , the charging treasure is easy to heat up when charging, and the air pressure in the plateau area is low, and the air temperature is also low. It leads to poor heat dissipation of the charger, and the temperature rises during charging, which will affect the charging effect of the charging treasure.

Of course, it can be used, and the current chargers and charging banks are normally used in high-altitude areas, and will not have any impact, so you can rest assured that you can use them boldly.

can be filled. Charging in plateau areas and non-plateau areas is the same, because the charging current and voltage are not related to the air pressure. Therefore, when the charging treasure itself has enough capacity, it can be filled with mobile phones.

cannot be used. Do not use the drum charging treasure, which will lead to short circuit, heat, smoke, burning, and even explosion danger, buy and replace regular products in non-plateau environment.

Power bankExpansion reasons: 1, the floating charging voltage is set too high, the charging current is large, resulting in the acceleration of gas precipitation on the positive plate, and it is too late to compound in the negative electrode, and the temperature in the battery body rises quickly, when the exhaust is less than, the pressure reaches a certain level, the battery appears bulging deformation. 2, the opening pressure of the safety valve is too high, or the safety valve is blocked.