苹果无线充设置ichaiyang 2024-05-08 23:08 44
McDonald's free WiFi account password and setting usage:Take the iPhone 4, for example2. Then, as shown below, enter McDonald-OC in the name, paying attention to case sensitive let...

How to connect McDonald's wifi?

McDonald's free WiFi account password and setting usage:

Take the iPhone 4, for example

2. Then, as shown below, enter McDonald-OC in the name, paying attention to case sensitive letters.

3, after filling in, click the \"security\" below, here, we choose WPA, which is an encryption method, WPA wireless encryption, can prevent wireless data transmission from being intercepted.

4, and then click back, this time you will find security below a row of input password input box, as shown below:

5, enter the password: Ac28Idfjla92ifjsl3jsHdowIo, wait a moment, can surf the Internet.

advert to a problem

1, the password problem, the password is case-sensitive, some letters and numbers we may not be easy to distinguish, such as uppercase \"i\" and lowercase \"L\

2, the above connection Settings, set once, the next time you go to McDonald's, the phone will automatically search for McDonald-oc, and automatically connect!

3, it is understood that the McDonald's password is common to all McDonald's restaurants in the country.

4, the connection on the computer is set, the account is manually added, the password is verified by WPA-PSK, and the data encryption is TKIP.

5, at present, some McDonald's has adjusted to SMS method to obtain user names and passwords, and some can be used.

Finally, once again, attach a McDonald's restaurant free WiFi password: Ac28Idfjla92ifjsl3jsHdowIo. Please note that in the above password, \"l\" is the lowercase form of \"L\