苹果无线充设置ichaiyang 2024-05-08 23:08 32
After enabling wifi, wait for a while, it will automatically pop up web authentication, if not, turn off and reopen wifi.The root uses the \"lazy mode key setting\" of the router t...

How does ios authenticate wifi?

After enabling wifi, wait for a while, it will automatically pop up web authentication, if not, turn off and reopen wifi.

The root uses the \"lazy mode key setting\" of the router to configure the Internet parameters of the router, and the encryption authentication mode is selected as \"automatic\" by default, there may be a problem that the mobile phone can connect to WIFI but cannot access the Internet. WIFI encryption authentication type is selected as \"automatic\" by default, resulting in problems. Cause problems.

Solution: Since we know that the reason why the WIFI encryption type is selected as \"automatic\" by default, the solution is also very simple, manually select the WIFI encryption type as the most secure and reliable \"WPA2-PSK\

On iOS, WiFi authentication is very simple. First, open the device's Settings menu and select the \"WiFi\" option.

In the list of available WiFi networks, select the network you want to connect to.

If the network requires authentication, it will be prompted for a password or other credentials. After entering the correct credentials, the system automatically authenticates and connects to the WiFi network.

iOS systems can perform WiFi authentication by following these steps:

First, open Settings, select WiFi, and then select the WiFi network you want to connect to.

Next, enter your user name and password in the login page that pops up, or use another authentication method, such as a certificate or enterprise authentication.

Finally, click Connect and wait for verification to successfully connect to the WiFi network. The iOS system supports a variety of authentication methods, and users can choose their own authentication methods according to their needs.