芯片查询网站icichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:51 25
IC is the abbreviation of Integrated Circuit, meaning integrated circuit. An integrated circuit is a circuit that integrates multiple electronic components (such as transistors, ca...

What does IC stand for?

IC is the abbreviation of Integrated Circuit, meaning integrated circuit. An integrated circuit is a circuit that integrates multiple electronic components (such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, etc.) on a semiconductor chip. The appearance of IC reduces the size of circuit board, reduces power consumption, improves performance and improves reliability. The application range of IC is very wide, covering communication, computer, medical, aerospace, automotive and other fields. At present, IC has become one of the important infrastructure of modern electronic technology and an important pillar of the electronics industry.

Integrated Circuit: Integrated Circuit; (Integrated circuit refers to the use of a certain process, a certain number of commonly used electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc., and the connections between these components, through the semiconductor process integrated together with a specific function of the circuit. We often say that the IC card is the integrated circuit card)