芯片查询网站icichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:51 58
Intelligent ic card gas meter does not read card analysis:1, the battery is insufficient, the gas meter LCD display \"change the battery\" and other words (need to replace 4 No. 5...

ic card can not read how to repair?

Intelligent ic card gas meter does not read card analysis:

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1, the battery is insufficient, the gas meter LCD display \"change the battery\" and other words (need to replace 4 No. 5 dry batteries and re-insert the card);

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2, the card is inserted wrong or the direction is reversed (carefully check whether the card is inserted correctly, and insert the card correctly according to the instruction manual or the table);

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3, insert and remove the card too fast, resulting in incomplete data reading (when inserting the IC card, you should insert the IC card and stay for about 5 seconds, until the table data is read and then pull the card);

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4, take the wrong card or not the gas card (please carefully check whether the card and the table correspond, ic card gas meter uses a card and a table, can not be mixed);

If your ic card can not be read, you can first check the status of the ic card, confirm that the ic card is not damaged, and then check whether the link method of the ic card is correct, and whether the ic card reader is properly connected. If all is well, you can try to reinstall the driver of the ic card, or replace the ic card reader.

It may be degaussed, it is recommended to go to the bank to reapply for a card is generally one-time, there is no way to repair, can only find a professional to reapply for a card or replace a card

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1. The magnetic force is gone and scrapped, apply for a replacement