梳妆台无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 22:44 22
Bedroom bed placement:1, it is best to put the bed in the position of three walls, that is, as far as possible to put the bed in a place where the wind is gathered.2. Put the bed i...

How do you put the attic bed in the storefront?

Bedroom bed placement:

1, it is best to put the bed in the position of three walls, that is, as far as possible to put the bed in a place where the wind is gathered.

2. Put the bed in the corner of the room that is not shot by the doors and Windows, and lean against the wall on both sides. If not, please add a screen and baffle in the position of the door and window, or the wardrobe can be. The purpose is to shield the doors and Windows from the blast. Make the bed can store wind and gather gas.

3, the bed can not be on the door to avoid being seen by outsiders, no privacy and security, but also affect the rest. If the door collides, you can use a screen to block the door, which not only blocks the bed door collides, but also maintains the privacy of the bedroom.

5, the head of the bed should not be placed under the window, because the window is a place where the airflow and light are strongest, and the moving image is very large, which has a great impact on sleep. People's energy is easily lost, so it is also very bad for the health of the body. If you can not replace the head of the bed, it is best to use thick curtains and blackout cloth to block. But this is the next best thing, the best way is to change the bed head.

6, the head of the bed can not rely on the door, if you accommodate the limited space of the bedroom, and put the bed on the side of the gate, it is a big taboo in the bedroom. The head of the bed should be solid and not empty. The head of the bed should be against the wall, not against the window. If the bed is not against the wall, the head of the bed must have a headboard, so that the head will not hang in the air.

7, the bed is best to choose north-south, along with geomagnetic gravity. Sleeping with your head facing south or north is good for your health. The head of the bed should not face west, because the earth rotates from east to west, if the head faces west, the blood often rushes to the head, and sleep is less stable; If you sleep with your head facing east, you will feel a sense of peace.

8, no matter where the bed is located, the key is that the sleeper can see the bedroom door and window from the bed, and at dawn, there will be sunlight on the bed, helping to absorb the energy of nature.

9, for the bed itself, it is necessary to consider whether its length and width are enough for the bed body to be smooth, and whether it has good support and comfort. As for the height of the bed, it is generally slightly higher than the knee of the sleeper. If it is too high, it is difficult to lift and lift; Too low and it is always inconvenient to bend over. Remember that the bed should not be close to the ground, the bottom of the bed should be empty, do not pile up debris, otherwise there is no ventilation, it is appropriate to store moisture, which will lead to back pain.

10, can not have a beam press, so as not to cause a sense of depression, but also damage people's physical and mental health. This type of situation also includes that there can be no beam pressure bedroom door, the split air conditioning indoor unit can not be hung above the pillow position, and the chandelier can not be hung above the bed, which belong to the scope of the beam press.

11, the bed can not be on the mirror, because people in the half dream and half awake, get up in the middle of the night is easy to be frightened by the image in the mirror, mental instability, resulting in dizziness; Secondly, when people fall asleep, the gas energy is the weakest, and the mirror is a highly reflective object, which is easy to reflect the energy of the human body, especially young couples, if the bedroom mirror is on the bed, in the long run, it is prone to infertility. If there is a mirror to the bed in the bedroom, you can cover it or turn it to the wall at night, of course, the best way is to insert the mirror inside the bedroom wardrobe, open the mirror, and close the door when not in use.

12, the bedside table should be higher than the bed, which is conducive to improving the wisdom of the sleeper and improving the quality of sleep. Pillow on both sides, can not be cabinet corner or cabinet corner, desk, makeup table, easy to make people suffer from migraines. Plants with pointed leaves and square or rectangular furniture should not be placed too close to the bed.

Avoid uneven bed. Modern people use spring pads, if the mattress quality is not good, the spring deformation, it will affect health. Therefore, the choice of mattress is also very important, sleeping deformed mattress will make people's spine curved, sleep for a long time will affect the blood circulation, make people tired and easy to get sick.