磁吸无线充支架ichaiyang 2024-05-08 22:44 59
bear onETC cards, like everyone's bank cards, are easily degaussed in a strong magnetic field. We all know that bank cards and passbooks have magnetic strips, and the information o...

Does magnetic fixing of etc affect the signal?

bear on

ETC cards, like everyone's bank cards, are easily degaussed in a strong magnetic field. We all know that bank cards and passbooks have magnetic strips, and the information of each card is carried through the magnetic strip, and this magnetic strip is very fragile, it is easy to be disrupted in a strong magnetic field, and then demagnetization, data loss. In addition, bank cards, ECT cards such as magnetic stripe data storage media should also be far away from induction stoves, microwave ovens, televisions, refrigerators and other electrical appliances that may produce high-frequency electromagnetic waves, usually try not to and mobile phones, computers,