芯片查询网站icichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:50 219
1. Select 1K and 2 basic-resistor for searching and placing multisim components.2, LED: diode-led select 1 red.3, PNP: Trans-BJT_PNP randomly select one, here select a 2N2904.4, sw...

How to find the integrated chip in Multisim?

1. Select 1K and 2 basic-resistor for searching and placing multisim components.

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2, LED: diode-led select 1 red.

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3, PNP: Trans-BJT_PNP randomly select one, here select a 2N2904.

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4, switch: basic-switch-spdt select one.

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5, power and ground sources-VCC and ground.

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6. After the components are placed and the circuit is connected, the simulation can be simulated by pressing the start button. When the switch is connected to the local triode conduction LED light is on.

Press Alt P, then press C, then press Alt S in the pop-up window to enter the chip model you want to find, for example, to find LM7805 you can enter *7805 (* indicates wildcard), and then click search, you can find all the chips containing 7805 keywords, other models of chip search method is similar.