量子芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:50 31
Quantum chips could be commercially available in five years.Optical quantum chips can be mass-produced in three to five years.It should take five years.Ministry of Industry and Inf...

How long before quantum chips are actually used?

Quantum chips could be commercially available in five years.

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Optical quantum chips can be mass-produced in three to five years.

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It should take five years.

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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Science and Technology. The 13th Five-Year Plan; Planning project quantum dot printing display, which is a national policy, optical quantum chip, the state believes that quantum dot printing technology (second generation quantum dot display) is very promising to become the mainstream of the next generation of display, many scientific research institutions and enterprises are also committed to the second generation of quantum dot technology research, so the realization of the second generation of quantum dot technology mass production should not be too long.

1 Although quantum chips are good, it will take 10 years for mature commercial use

Two? At least 10 years from maturity Because the quantum has a superposition state, it can operate in the state of 0 and 1 at the same time, so the computing power of N quantum is the NTH power of traditional computer 2.  

\"Quantum computers are not going to be one in every household, like cell phones,\" he said. You Lixing, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, bluntly said that the photonic chip can overtake a corner? Every three and a half months, the computing power needs to double.