芯片法案ichaiyang 2024-06-06 12:41 41
1, How to view Biden signed 350 billion chip and science bill, US chip stocks fell collectively? 2. What does the $280 billion Chip Bill mean? What is the impact on China? 3, EU...

Chip Act (Chip Act adversely affects China)

How to view Biden signed 350 billion chip and science bill, US chip stocks fell collectively?

US President Joe Biden signed the Chip and Science Act, which provides a wide range of investment and management for the US chip sales and other industries. But at the same time led to the chip these semiconductor industry stock plunge, in fact, this is only a temporary phenomenon, the United States signed the bill is also to improve the United States government's own chip industry upgrade management, accelerate the development of their own country in the chip semiconductor industry.

chip methodAfter the signing of the case, the United States chip stocks collapsed, what happened in the end is that first of all, investors in the United States have lost confidence in the economic development of the United States, and secondly, the United States will make many scientific research projects lag behind, and this will make the life of the United States more difficult, and it will enhance our domestic chip production power.

Biden signed the Chip Act, the purpose of the bill is to limit the development of other countries' chips, encourage the development of domestic chips, the reason for the decline in stock prices after the signing is that chip companies lose their biggest market.

Recently, US President Joe Biden signed the "Chip and Science"This bill is undoubtedly another way to restrict Chinese chips, but the $52.1 billion government subsidies to the industry can not be underestimated, but did not make the market excited. The signing of the bill should have raised passions in all sectors of the industry, but it has been met with cold water. On August 9, local time, US President Joe Biden signed the "2022 Chip and Science Act" into law, and the United States has a complete showdown in blocking Chinese chips. This is yet another iron proof that the United States is trying to suppress China's high-tech development and curb the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The bill is up to 10At more than 100 pages, the most important part of the bill is to allocate $52.7 billion for chip manufacturing in the United States.

What does the $280 billion Chip Bill mean? What is the impact on China?

$100 million "chip Act", what is the intention of Ann, first of all, to obtain the ability to develop asymmetrically, second, to strengthen the chip research and development advantages of the United States, second, to concentrate talents to the development of the United States, and second, to use scientific and technological advantages to make the United States in addition to the United StatesNon-native enterprises have no competitive advantage. It is necessary to elaborate and analyze the $280 billion Chip Bill from the following four aspects. The chip bill signed by the United States this time, although it does not have much impact on our country at present, but in the future if the United States builds a comprehensive chip industry, the exchange between the United States and our country will be greatly reduced, which is also contrary to the strengthening of cooperation and exchanges between the United States and our country.

3, secondly, it can allow us to continue to introduce more chip talents in China, and it will make the United States lose some balance in the process of developmentIt is China that will have more competitive pressure in chips. It is necessary to elaborate from the following four aspects to analyze the cold response of the capital market to the Biden chip bill, and what impact the bill has on China. 4, the direct impact of the bill on China is that: the bill attracts semiconductor companies to set up factories in the United States through subsidies, and at the same time, it adds provisions for China to restrict TSMC, Samsung, Intel and other enterprises with more complete manufacturing processes to expand production in the mainland, and strictly prevent the landing of advanced chip processes and technologies. In the eyes of the US government, 14 nm is the watershed between advanced chip manufacturing process and backward chip manufacturing process, 14 nm and below technology belongs to advanced process.

The EU passed the chip bill, for the Sino-US chip war that has been a mess of chip bill , will it form a check on regional stability, or more intense competition chip bill ? Since the United States issued the chip bill in August last year, nearly a year later, the EU chip bill will also be officially landed. On July 25, the European Council approved the chip Act, completing the final step in the decision-making process. After publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, the law will officially enter into force.

Because I want to produceOf course, if we can get ASML's chip production machine, then we can break through, but as early as a few years ago, a country restricted ASML to sell machines to us, otherwise Huawei will not fall into the end because the chip can not be produced and let the consumer business into paralysis.

The United States allocated 52 billion yuan to strengthen the chip semiconductor industry chain, is a kind of core grab action, the European Union also passed the "chip Act", allocated about 45 billion euros to support chip production, pilot projects and start-ups, the most important is the construction of large chip manufacturing plants, Europe and the United StatesA series of actions will bring about changes in the entire chip semiconductor industry chain that are difficult to estimate, and how should we respond?

However, after the implementation of the chip Act, the competition for future chips will become more intense, becoming a red Sea, and supply will exceed demand after 2024. Countries will tend to buy American chips. At the same time, the investment in research centers in the bill will further rapidly open the generational and technological gap between the United States and other countries, so it will be negative for China's semiconductor manufacturing in the long term. For this, if China uses large funds to support the same, there will be short-term benefits.

Billion dollar Chip Act, what is itThe heart is first of all to gain the ability to asymmetrical development, second is to strengthen the United States chip research and development advantages, second is to concentrate talent to the United States development, and the other is to use scientific and technological advantages to make companies outside the United States have no competitive advantage. It is necessary to elaborate and analyze the $280 billion Chip Bill from the following four aspects.

The main content of the Chip Act includes the following points, the first is that the bill aims to help the United States regain its leading position in the field of semiconductor manufacturing, by providing huge subsidies for semiconductor production and research and development in the United States, and promote the chip manufacturing industry to the United States. secondThe act restricts companies that receive U.S. state subsidies from investing in technology for processes below 28 nanometers in China for a period of 10 years, and requires the companies to refund the federal subsidy in full. The third is to implement the two major plans.

What does the $280 billion Chip Bill mean?

The United States introduced a $280 billion chip Act. The United States House of Representatives passed a chip bill, which is very valuable. President Biden has signed the bill into law,And officially implemented. At $280 billion, the bill is unique. The person in charge of the United States has indeed seen that the advantages of the United States are disappearing step by step, and the chip bill to a certain extent shows that it is a method of exhaustion, which he knows best in his own heart, otherwise he will not step out of this step of self-protection. I believe that in the near future, people will see that this "chip law" is as impressive as digging a grave.

The bill is the most significant government intervention in industrial policy in decades. Will invest in 5 years 2$80 billion to provide $52.7 billion in government subsidies for semiconductor research and development, manufacturing and workforce development in the United States, of which $39 billion will be used for semiconductor manufacturing incentives and $2 billion for the use of traditional chips in automotive and defense systems.

Recently, US President Joe Biden signed a $280 billion chip bill, at the same time, the US government is also strongly supporting US chip companies, intending to build its own full set of chip industry in the future, reducing demand for overseas markets. The President of the United States signed this bill to compete with our country. China's Huawei publicThe company did not suffer a setback after experiencing US sanctions, but developed the world's leading 5G technology.

People all over the world pay close attention to every move of the US economy, and many actions of the US will also have an impact on the world economy and other countries. The US Senate's advance of $280 billion in the bill also made many people feel incredible. Using this money to subsidize chip manufacturing can also see the importance of chip research and development in the United States.

How can China core not be subject to others?

OwnCan not be subject to others, in order to master the initiative in their own hands.

As the world's largest semiconductor market, the current state of its integrated circuit design industry is worrying. Although the market is huge, the products are mainly concentrated in the middle and low-end, and the lack of core technical capabilities makes the industry highly dependent on third parties in key links. This over-reliance on external advanced IP core, process and design services makes China's chip industry face serious risks of being subject to others.

Don't always stare at the lithography machine, the real gap between domestic core and American core is still in the patent and standard! Many people think Chinese coreWafer manufacturing process is not good, indeed, the current domestic lithography machine can only reach 90nm accuracy, the best domestic chip foundry SMIC process level is only between 28nm-14nm. However, chip manufacturers can find technologically advanced foundrings, such as Huawei's Kirin 970 and Apple's mobile phone chips are made by TSMC.

To know in the field of science and technology development, the semiconductor industry must play a very important role, if not to strengthen the support for the semiconductor industry, then it will certainly let their own scientific and technological development subject to people. China's semiconductor industry has not been pushed into a corner.

This is the so-called subject to others, in fact, it is equal to no own time, it can not do anything. To get anything done, it takes time. Mr. Drucker printed on his business card, do not go to parties, do not give interviews, do not write a foreword, etc., in fact, is making a choice, telling others that I do not do these things, of course, he is said to have offended some journalists.

China's scientific and technological innovation ability is not strong, the core technology subject to people's fundamental reasons are many, mainly including the following points: insufficient investment: China's investment in scientific and technological innovation is relatively lowThis includes investment in capital, manpower and material resources. Due to the lack of investment, the research progress in many fields in our country is slow and it is difficult to make major breakthroughs.