芯片设计ichaiyang 2024-06-06 7:03 63
1, Chip design process all explained 2, What do you know about chip design? 3, Let me show you how chips are made. What do you think? Full explanation of chip design process I...

Chip design (Can chip designers last a lifetime?)

Full explanation of chip design process

In the physical design phase, we consider practical constraints, such as area, power consumption and electromagnetic compatibility, and achieve an optimal balance of performance and efficiency through layout and wiring. Timing closed loop and validation optimization play a decisive role in this process.

ECO: Fixing design holes, Conformal ECO tools go mainstream, and new startups are following suit. Layout cabling: From 90nm to 3nm, the leap in technology challenges engineers, and AI-driven innovations make it possibleThis part is smarter. Driven by intelligent design tools, such as integration with small conversations, the design process is made more efficient.

The process of IC design mainly includes requirements analysis, specification formulation, circuit design, simulation verification, physical design, layout realization and test verification. These steps are interrelated and iterated to ensure that the final chip design meets the design requirements and has good performance. In the demand analysis stage, the designer needs to clarify the application scenario, functional requirements, performance indicators and so on. This is the basis of the design work and provides guidance for the subsequent design.

Tape out phase, every detail can not be ignored. DRC and LVS checks ensure that the structure is accurate, the hierarchy is calibrated, and data submission, version control, and package pin confirmation are all necessary to ensure the smooth production of the chip. In this process, production planning is also crucial.

Layout and wiring layout refers to the reasonable arrangement of the designed function modules on the chip, planning their position. Wiring refers to the connection between modules. Note that the connections between modules are usually long, so the resulting delay can seriously affect the performance of the SOCEspecially in the 0.25 micron process above, this phenomenon is more significant.

What do you know about chip design?

First of all to explain two concepts: chip design and chip foundry they are different chip design Chip design , here for example: Qualcomm, Samsung, Huawei can design chips. Among them, Samsung can produce its own chips, while Qualcomm and Huawei need to find OEM.Samsung and TSMC are the two most well-known chip foundries. For example, Qualcomm's chips are designed by itself.

The file can be downloaded by the PC after the FPGA is powered on, or saved in the Flash and configured automatically after the FPGA is powered on. ASIC is the output of a layout file, tell the foundry how to corrode the silicon, how to connect the metal and so on. Of course, there are various auxiliary steps in this process. In general, it is designed for the chip to ensure that the chip designrong> You designed the circuit correctly and correctly implemented Chip design Your circuit.

Performance requirements: Computing power: The main task of the chip is to perform calculations, so the design needs to consider the performance of the processor, including clock frequency, instruction set, parallel computing capability, etc. Data communication: Consider the data transmission rates and communication protocols inside and outside the chip to ensure that data can be transferred quickly and efficiently.

First, let's focus on the difficult aspects of design: understanding subtle differences in device parameters, mastering interdisciplinary knowledge, and dealing with noise interferenceAnd the technical difficulties of fast signal processing, as well as the essential simulation verification. The design journey begins with circuit diagram design, which is the foundation and requires designers to skillfully use theoretical knowledge and professional tools to build circuit blueprints.

ECO: Fixing design holes, Conformal ECO tools go mainstream, and new startups are following suit. Layout and wiring: From 90nm to 3nm, the leap in technology challenges engineers, and AI-driven innovations make this link more intelligent. Driven by intelligent design tools, such as integration with small conversations, the design process is made more efficient.

Let me show you how chips are made. What do you think?

1. With the development and evolution of process nodes from 5nm to 3nm, the difficulty of chip manufacturing gradually approaches the physical limit. The iteration of the process follows Moore's Law: each generation of the process doubles the number of transistors on the chip, and each successive process node is named about 07 times more than the previous generation. That is, the next generation process node can be obtained by multiplying the current process node by 0.7.

2, a glimpse of the chipAt the bottom of information technology, the chip manufacturing process is like a sophisticated microworld that determines the speed, efficiency and performance of the equipment. In simple terms, the process is the key step in semiconductor manufacturing, which determines the characteristics of the circuit, including the size and performance of the transistor.

3, the main manufacture of digital signal processing chips, from the beginning to the completion of the general need for 1500 processing steps. First, for complex component assembly, they would use a teleport to transport the chip to various workstations, and then use photolithography to design the circuit on the chip and first feed the mirror< p >