无线充还火吗ichaiyang 2024-05-08 22:34 11
The power failure was caused by heat.MagSafe this magnetic wireless charging method, in theory, will accelerate the iPhone battery loss speed, the reason is that MagSafe magnetic c...

Magnetic wireless charger charge why return power?

The power failure was caused by heat.

MagSafe this magnetic wireless charging method, in theory, will accelerate the iPhone battery loss speed, the reason is that MagSafe magnetic charging this way, in the same use of the case, it is easier to make the battery heat, heat is easy to speed up the loss of the battery.

But this speed up, as long as the usual attention to use basically can be ignored.

On the other hand, MagSafe does solve the problem of wireless charging alignment, the official propaganda \"click\

This situation is poor contact, damage, you find a professional to reinstall it, this situation is basically poor installation, reconnect the charger, try it