芯片编带ichaiyang 2024-06-04 13:59 51
1, Toshiba chip tape direction 2, Learn about the MLCC factory production process! Urgent!! 3, There's a '13 in the warehouseDoes the chip still work after a year and a half? 4,...

Chip braid (chip braid direction)

Toshiba chip braid direction

1. The direction of braiding should be consistent. The braid direction of Toshiba chip chip braid should be consistent, incompatibility may cause damage to the circuit board chip braid , or can not be used normally, may not be powered on or break the chip. TOSHIBA, formerly known as Tokyo Shiba Electric Co., LTD., was formed in 1939 by the merger of Shiba Manufacturing Co., LTD and Tokyo Electric Co., LTD. Since its inception in 1875, it has gone through a long process of 140 years.

2, stripe chip identification direction For some double-in-line or double-row patch, the surface of the chip has a horizontal, which is the direction identification point of the chip pin. The chip is laid flat, the left side of the bar is the first pin, the right side is the last pin, the pin label increases in the counterclockwise direction, the chip identification direction of the circle dot method of identification is very common for dual-in-line chips.

3, the direction of the word is the positive direction, equivalent to the gap on the left, from the lower left corner counterclockwise to the upper left corner of the pin number added one.

4, the direction of the chip on the board added to the game is generally long and short, there is a residual corner, and the place where there is a gap from the short line is a corner.

5, the chip body is a small round pit with a pin identification. If the surface of the object is worn out, it is more troublesome... There is a pull-down resistance between the EN foot and the ground, perhaps by measuring the pull-down resistance to find the EN foot and the ground, and then determine the direction.

6, the so-called LSI chip business is actually a large-scale integrated circuit in the chip field, that is, 100 gate circuits and thousands of transistors and resistorsA set of integrated circuits in which the components are all integrated on a single chip and the components are integrated by integrated wiring. It is widely used in electronic watches and calculators as well as microcomputers.

Learn about the MLCC factory production process! Urgent!!

Coating: Use a printing press or paste dispenser to apply the solder paste or curing adhesive to the PCB board. Mounting: The use of the mounting machine to mount the resistor and other devices to the PCB board. Reflow welding: The PCB board is heated by reflow furnace to melt the solder pasteTo realize the welding of the device and PCB board.

Monocrystalline silicon wafer manufacturing Monocrystalline silicon wafer is used to manufacture IC, monocrystalline silicon wafer manufacturing process mainly includes crystal pulling, cutting, grinding, polishing and cleaning. IC design IC design is mainly to design the circuit, and the design of the circuit into the layout. Mask production refers to the IC design center has designed the circuit layout in the same proportion or reduced proportion into a glass plate.

Toshiba's Kaga plant, located in southwestern Ishikawa Prefecture, is particularly sensitive to earthquakes. Although the 12-inch plant will be completed in the first half of 2024, it is currentlyA facility at the Kaga plant has been suspended. After confirming no apparent damage on January 5, Toshiba is rushing to inspect production lines, aiming to resume some production by January 10 to ensure a stable supply of power semiconductors.

Guangdong Micro Rong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Luoding City, Guangdong Province, focusing on the production of passive electronic components MLCC, is a leading enterprise in China's high-end MLCC manufacturing field. The company's founder, Chen Weirong, an important pioneer of China's electronics industry after the reform and opening up, served as the president of Konka Group for seven years.

There's a '13 chip in the warehouse. Is it still working for a year and a half?

1, can be used, but the effect is not good. Many times our old mobile phones will be recycled by some professionals, these people recycle mobile phones, mainly need the parts of the mobile phone, such as display, battery and chip and so on. However, relatively backward machines are generally of no value, because the parts inside have been eliminated by the market, and many models of mobile phones on the market do not support these old chips, so there is no use value.

2, in contrast, a device such asIf the optimization can be made closer to the user's needs at the system level, even on relatively low-end chips, a long-term smooth experience can be achieved. In addition, we cannot ignore that individual usage habits can also affect perceived performance. If you are a user who pursues the ultimate experience, you may have higher performance requirements for the A13, and for ordinary users, the Snapdragon 680 device may already be able to meet daily needs.

3, if the chip is partially damaged, the whole chip can not be used, and individuals can not detect which part of the CPU is damaged, and special testing instruments are required, including memory chipsIf a chip is damaged, the entire memory cannot be used. Hard disks are not the same as chips. If the hard disk is not physically damaged, bad sectors can be shielded by the hard disk tool.

4, depends on the specific situation. As long as the wear does not reach the limit or exceed the shelf life can continue to use, the tire warranty period is usually 5-6 years, more than the shelf life, even if the warehouse storage of new tires, continue to use there will be safety risks. General tires can not be sold for more than 3 years from the production date, and can be used normally for about 6 years, depending on the specific vehicle environment. So you need to buy tiresBuy tires with a production date less than 3 years old.

5. Unless otherwise stipulated by the competent financial and taxation departments of The State Council, the minimum period for calculating depreciation of fixed assets is as follows: 20 years for houses and buildings; Aircraft, trains, ships, machines, machinery and other production equipment, for 10 years; 5 years for appliances, tools, furniture, etc. related to production and business activities; Let's wait.

Can the chip be braided when baking

Yes. During storage, transportation, and use, component braid may be subjected to environmental factors such as moisture and oxidationThe effect of the element, in turn, affects the performance and life of the component. In order to ensure the quality and reliability of the components, the braid should be baked. Component braid (ComponentTapeandReel) is a packaging method that arranges electronic components on plastic belts according to certain standards and formats, which is mainly used to facilitate automatic component mounting and production process.

LED lamp bead is composed of: bracket, chip, wire, glue, phosphor material. A process in which the chip is solidified, the wire is welded, the powder is dispensed, the tape is baked, and the tape is stored.

Celsius to 1210 to 30 minutes between 0 degrees Celsius. Under normal circumstances, the baking temperature of the Bluetooth module is usually between 80 degrees Celsius and 120 degrees Celsius. A baking time of about 10 to 30 minutes is a common range.

The temperature of silver glue baking is generally controlled at 150℃, and the baking time is 2 hours. According to the actual situation can be adjusted to 170℃, 1 hour. Insulating glue generally 150℃, 1 hour. The silver glue baking oven must be opened every 2 hours (or 1 hour) according to the process requirements to replace the baked product, and shall not be opened at will in the middle. The baking oven shall not be used for other purposes to prevent contamination.

Braid is a process in the small capacitor, the core is woven into a disc with tape paper before spraying gold, and the side of the core is protected, so that the gold spray does not spray to the side of the core, will not cause short circuit. Small plastic-case capacitors and small plastic-sealed capacitors also have a finished braiding process, that is, the capacitors are braided one by one on a paper tape, which is wound up for packaging and preservation.

is generally seen in the patch electronic components, including chips. Resistors, these electronic components, they're put in a piece of tape. Put the tape on a disc. This is braid.

What are SMD and COB packaging technologies?

The full name of

SMD is "Surface Mounted Devices" chip braid , which refers to the surface mount device, which is one of the surface adhesion technology components. The full name of COB is "chip on board", which is the chip packaging on the fingerboard, and is one of the bare chip mounting technologies. The differences between SMD and COB are as follows: Chip braid : production efficiencyDifferent SMD Chip braid : The production efficiency of SMD is low. COB Chip braid : COB is more productive than SMD.

SMD: It is the abbreviation of Surface Mounted Devices, meaning: Surface Mount device, it is one of the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) components. In addition to SMD: SMC: surface-assembled components (Surface Mounted commponents are mainly rectangular chip components, cylindrical chip components, composite chip components, and special-shaped chip components.

SMD: It is the abbreviation of Surface Mounted Devices, meaning: Surface Mount device, it is one of the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) components. SMD lamp beads are lamp beads encapsulated by this technology.

COB technology The so-called COB is the use of bare chipsIt's convenient. ● Material receiving mode selection, vertical and horizontal material receiving. ● Accurate empty material detection and parts counting ● Optional equipped with complete solutions.

2, braid machine can be divided into semi-automatic and automatic two categories, with the continuous upgrading of electronic products refined and highly integrated, electronic components from the past plug-in type into the patch type to save the installation space of the circuit board, expand the function of the product. It's a major revolution in the electronics industry. The principle of the braid machine chip braid : After the braid packaging machine and gas are connected, if it is hot packaging, letRaise the knife to the appropriate temperature, adjust the carrier belt and air pressure.

3, braid machine is good or bad brand, no one can say which is good, to chip braid your technical requirements are good, and look at what material the machine is used for, wear resistance, after-sales situation, the price of this thing is difficult to say because a point of price a goods, Chip braid You have low price, low configuration.

4, the braid machine mechanism is the unit that manufactures the braid machine. The braid machine is an important equipment in the integrated circuit packaging production line, and the mechanism isRefers to the social entity unit, the braid machine mechanism is the unit that manufactures the braid machine. Therefore, the braiding machine mechanism is the unit that manufactures the braiding machine.

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