量子芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:48 49
More powerful performanceQuantum chip is a chip product that integrates quantum circuits on the substrate and carries quantum information processing function. Although the developm...

What does a quantum chip mean?

More powerful performance

Quantum chip is a chip product that integrates quantum circuits on the substrate and carries quantum information processing function. Although the development of the traditional chip industry has been very mature, if the quantum chip can break through the threshold of fault-tolerant quantum computing in decoherence time and control accuracy, it is expected to become a master of the chip industry, greatly saving chip development costs, and bringing revolutionary changes to the chip industry.

In other words, if China can achieve cluster results in the field of quantum chips and gain the world's leading position, there is an opportunity to achieve a corner overtaking in the development of the chip industry.