The CMS79F738 chip has a total of 40 pins, including I\/O port, reset port, power port, clock port, etc. Among them, VDD is the power pin of the chip, GND is the ground pin, P0 to...

cms79f738 chip pin introduction?

The CMS79F738 chip has a total of 40 pins, including I\/O port, reset port, power port, clock port, etc. Among them, VDD is the power pin of the chip, GND is the ground pin, P0 to P3 are four groups of 8-bit I\/O ports, P4 to P7 are four groups of 4-bit I\/O ports, X1 and X2 are external clock input pins, RESET are reset pins, INT0 and INT1 are interrupt pins, TXD and RXD are serial communication pins. In addition, there are some auxiliary function pins, such as OCD, PSEN, EA, etc. Different combinations of these pins can implement various functions of the chip, such as control input and output, clock control, reset, interrupt, etc.

The CMS79F738 chip is a high-performance single-chip computer with 64KB Flash memory and 4KB RAM memory. It has 40 pins, including 32 I\/O pins, 2 timer output pins, 3 timer input pins, 2 interrupt input pins, and 1 reset pin. The I\/O pins can be used as input or output and can be used to connect external devices. The timer input pin is used to calculate the time, and the timer output pin can output the PWM waveform. The interrupt input pin can be used for external interrupt triggering, and the reset pin can be used to reset the chip. Through these pins, the CMS79F738 chip can achieve a variety of functions to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

The CMS79F738 chip is a high-performance microcontroller with 56 pins. These include I\/O pins, power pins, clock pins and other functional pins. I\/O pins can be connected to external devices for data input and output to achieve communication with the outside world. The power supply pin provides the power supply voltage and current required by the chip to ensure the normal operation of the chip. Clock pins are used to receive external clock signals to ensure timing control and synchronization of the chip. In addition, the chip also includes other pins, such as reset pins, interrupt pins, etc., for realizing the reset function of the system and interrupt processing.

Together, these pins constitute the basic input and output interface of the CMS79F738 chip, which provides support for the realization of its functions and interaction with the external environment.

The specific pin introduction of the cms79f738 chip needs to refer to the data manual of the chip, the following is the common introduction of the general chip pin function:
1. VCC: The power pin of the chip, generally connected to the positive power supply.
2. GND: Ground pin of the chip, usually connected to the negative power supply or ground.
3. XTAL1\/XTAL2: The clock input pin of the chip, used to connect the external crystal oscillator or resonator.
4. RESET: The reset pin of the chip, which is used to reset the chip to the initial state.
5. GPIO: Universal input\/output pin that can be used to connect external devices or sensors.
6. UART\/USART: serial port communication pins used for data communication with external devices.
7. SPI\/I2C: Serial data communication pin for SPI or I2C communication with external devices.
8. ADC: analog input pin for reading external analog signals.
9. PWM: pulse width modulation pin, used to generate pulse width modulation signal.
10.INT: Interrupt pin, used to receive external interrupt signal.
11. VREF: Reference voltage input pin, used to provide the reference voltage of the analog circuit inside the chip.
12. AVCC: Analog voltage pin, used to supply voltage to analog circuits.
13. AREF: Analog reference voltage pin, used to connect the external analog reference voltage.
14. IOREF: IO level pin, used to indicate the chip's IO level.
The above is only a description of common chip pins. Different chip models have different pin functions, so please refer to the data manual of the chip for specific pin descriptions.