芯片粘片机ichaiyang 2024-05-30 8:42 75
1, Mounter terminology 2, What is the difference between high precision solidifying machines and ordinary solidifying machines? 3, SMT mounter and wave soldering, backFlow weldin...

Chip sticking machine (chip sticking machine suction)

Technical terms of the mounter

SMT is the use of solder paste printing machine, SMT machine, reflow and other professional automatic assembly equipment to surface assembly components (types including resistance, capacitor, inductor, etc.) directly paste, welding to the surface of the circuit board, is the most popular technology and process in the electronic assembly industry.

SMT is a kind of pin-free or short-lead surface assembly components (referred to as SMC/SMD, Chinese called chip components) mounted on the surface of the printed circuit board (PrintedCircuitBoard, PCB) or other substrate surface, through reflux

What is the difference between high precision solidifying machines and ordinary solidifying machines?

1, the ordinary solid-crystal device only fits one chip at a time, first fits the "R" chip, then fits the "G" chip, and finally fits the "B" chip. This solidifying path has high repetition and low efficiency. The LED pixel solidification machine is a visual positioning can achieve RGB three-color chip transfer, so as to complete the solidification of a pixel. Reduce the moving path during solidification, greatly improve the solidification efficiency, and the solidification efficiency has more than 60%Liters.

2, size: pixel cementing machines are usually smaller than ordinary cementing machines, so they can produce smaller semiconductor components. Precision: Pixel cementing machines generally have higher accuracy because they use more advanced technology to manufacture semiconductor components. Cost: The cost of pixel cemented machines is usually higher than that of ordinary cemented machines because they use more advanced technology and components.

3, the difference between the pixel solidification machine and the ordinary solidification machine is that the process principle is different: the pixel solidification machine uses the principle of lithography process, while the ordinary solidification machine uses the process principle of heating and cooling. Different production efficiency:The production efficiency of the pixel solider is higher than that of the ordinary solider, because the pixel solider can produce multiple chips at one time, while the ordinary solider can only produce one by one.

SMT mounters and wave soldering, reflow soldering... What does it matter?

My friend, I will answer you! At present, in the manufacturing of our PCB industry, reflow welding and wave soldering coexist. Reflow welding: Supports the welding of fine parts (infrared positioning). Wave soldering: It is responsible for the welding of hand insert parts. In ChinaAt present, it will not cancel the wave soldering equipment. Because of large hand inserts, reflow soldering is not possible with SMT, because some components can not withstand the high temperature of reflow soldering, which can melt the component.

2, the basic production equipment required for SMT patch processing is solder paste printing machine, patch machine, reflow welding, AOI detector, component clipper, wave soldering, tin furnace, plate washing machine, ICT test fixture, FCT test fixture, aging test rack, etc., different sizes of PCBA processing plants, equipped with production equipment will be different. Solder paste presses Modern solder paste presses generally consist of plate loading, adding solder paste, stamping, circuit board and other mechanisms.

3, until today, the double panel has generally been reflow welded above (component surface), and then welded below (pin surface) by wave soldering. A current trend is toward double-sided reflow soldering, but there are still some problems with this process. The bottom element of the large plate may fall off during the second reflow welding process, or partial melting of the bottom weld may cause solder joint reliability problems.

4, pressure: in the smt mounting process to control the pressure, do not be too low or too high, if the pressure is too low, it is easy to appear solder pasteUnable to stick components, resulting in position movement during reflow welding, when the pressure is too large, easy to cause solder paste adhesion. pcb board: pcb board is the substrate for smt patch processing, and the quality of pcb also affects the quality of smt process.

5, through hole reflow welding, sometimes referred to as sort element reflow welding, is gradually emerging. Through hole reflow welding process is the use of reflow welding technology to weld pin plug-in components and shaped components. For some products such as more SMT components and fewer perforated components (plug-in components), this process can replace wave soldering and become a PCB mixed assembly technologyA process link.

6, reflow welding is an important welding technology, its working principle is based on the thermal expansion and cold contraction characteristics of the substance, mainly used to weld components to the PCB board. The following is a detailed introduction to the principle and process of reflow welding: Reflow welding mainly through high temperature to the solder paste on the PCB pad into liquid, so as to realize the welding of components and PCB pad. The gas continuously circulates in the reflow welding machine to produce high temperature to achieve the purpose of welding.

What is a semiconductor solidifier?

Solid crystal machine is mainly used for all kinds of (WIRE BONDER) gold wire ultrasonic welding equipment lead cabinet pressure plate chip gluing machine , And all kinds of (DIE BONDER) chip mounting equipment of various nozzles, thimbles, dispensing heads, porcelain nozzle, through needle, motor, carbon brush, encoder, transmission belt chip gluing machine , automation equipment of various parts chip gluing machine , instruments, meters and so on.

The hardening machine is to remove the wafer from the blue filmThe device is transferred and attached to the substrate by a swing arm (bond head).

High speed solidification machine is a kind of precision equipment used in semiconductor packaging process, mainly used to weld or glue chips (such as LED chips, integrated circuits, etc.) to the substrate (such as PCB board, ceramic substrate, etc.) with high precision and high speed. It is characterized by high work efficiency and accuracy, which can meet the needs of large-scale production. Among the many brands, Zhuo Xing Semiconductor is a brand with excellent performance in the field of high-speed solidification machines.

- Solid crystal machine: Solid crystal machine is mainly used for the preparation of single crystal materials or has a specificCrystal structure materials, single crystal materials with no grain boundaries, high mechanical properties, excellent electrical properties, low thermal conductivity and other characteristics, in the semiconductor, optoelectronics, aviation and other fields have important applications. Processing process: - Eutectic machine: The eutectic machine usually heats the alloy to the eutectic temperature and cools it at the alloy temperature to make the alloy undergo a eutectic reaction and form a eutectic structure.

Where can eutectic mounters work?

High-precision eutectic mounter is mainly used in the following fields: mounting of electronic components: high-precisionEutectic mounter can realize high-precision component mounting, such as chip, capacitor, resistor, diode, transistor, etc., which is widely used in electronic component manufacturing industry.

Multi-function: The eutectic mounter can handle chips of different shapes, sizes, materials and component types, so it is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as LED and other microelectronic component assembly. High degree of automation: The eutectic SMT machine uses automation technology to achieve diverse assembly, and more flexible and efficient coordination of other production processes and systems.

The difference between the eutectic placement machine and the traditional placement machine is as follows: the eutectic placement machine has high precisionDegree, high speed, multi-function and high degree of automation; Eutectic mounters are suitable for a variety of chip types and application scenarios; The eutectic SMT machine uses automation technology to flexibly and efficiently coordinate other production processes and systems.

What are the main parts of the solder paste press? What role does each play? What are the main parts of the SMT machine, and what are the characteristics of each? What is the method used to reduce surface tension in Sn/Pb solder? When welding with solder, accompanied by the wetting phenomenon, the molten solder and the metal to be welded will dissolve and diffusePhenomenon.

The equipment used is the curing furnace, which is located behind the SMT machine in the SMT line. Reflow welding: Its role is to melt the solder paste, so that the surface assembly components and PCB board firmly bonded together. The equipment used is a reflow furnace, which is located behind the SMT machine in the SMT line. Cleaning: Its role is to remove welding residues such as flux that are harmful to the human body on the assembled PCB board. The equipment used is a cleaning machine, the position can not be fixed, can be online, or not online.

Minimum package line configuration

The minimum configuration of the package depends on the type, size, complexity, and quality requirements of the package, but in general, the package line needs at least the following parts: Chip placement machine: used to cut the bare chip from the wafer and paste it on the substrate or carrier of the package. Wire welding machine: used to connect the electrode of the chip to the pin or pad of the package with gold or copper wire to form an electrical connection.

LED package is divided into low-power in-line type, low-power patch type, high-power separation and module type, COB type with the least total investment is high-power discreteType and modular package, basically the most expensive is to help set machine, solid machine, other equipment some unit price is not high, some can be simplified. Experienced master supporting a production line with initial material preparation, 100,000 yuan is enough. We can start with a full crew of 10.

Wire machine, see what line to play, gold wire and aluminum wire do not need to blow nitrogen equipment, copper wire needs chip gluing machine. Plastic seal to see what level. Enough for different grades of cake, of course, there must be a corresponding packaging mold! The frames used for packaging are also graded, at least for now with copper alloys and iron alloysYes. The package is ready to electroplate, tin plating! Electroplating factory, you can find outside partners! Tendon cutting machine.

The following equipment and prices are as follows (single set /RMB) : Automatic grinding machine: 2.8 million D/S equipment: 500,000 D/B equipment: 950,000 W/B equipment: 350,000 molding equipment: 600,000 electrolytic overflow machine: 800,000 plating equipment: 600,000 Marking equipment: 350,000 T/F equipment: 500,000 testing equipment: 500,000 Total total: about 7.95 million This is only an approximate value, and does not include some spare parts used in ordinary times.

, whether the distance between wire and wire, wire and component pad, wire and through hole, component pad and through hole, through hole and through hole is reasonable, whether it meets the production requirements. (2) Whether the width of the power cord and ground wire is appropriate, and whether the power supply and ground wire are tightly coupled (low wave impedance) chip gluing machine ? Is there any place in the PCB that can make the ground wire wider?

See what you use on the board, the power line must first meet the current, the signal line to see the approximate component package 0402 with 8mil to 12mil, 0805Installed with 15-20mil, 1/4W plug-in resistor recommended 30-40mil. All wires take into account current and component pad size.