1, md12h what direct substitution 2, md12h judgment 3, What is the function of each pin of the music chip H051? md12h with what direct substitution IRF540N chip md12h pin voltage...

Chip md12h each pin voltage (md12h pin diagram analysis)

md12h with what direct substitution

IRF540N chip md12h pin voltage , IRF9540N chip md12h pin voltage , SI2302, etc. MD12H is the N-channel depletion MOS tube chip md12h each pin voltage , can be used IRF540N, IRF9540N, SI2302 and other models of MOS tube directly replacementWith the chip md12h each pin voltage , the parameters of these MOS tubes are similar to those of MD12H chip md12h each pin voltage , the material is similar, and it also plays the same role in its function, but before use, They need to be confirmed that their package and pin arrangement is the same as that of the MD12H to ensure that the replaced circuit can work properly.

It can be replaced with IN582 Schottky diode IN581, and the IN582 series can be replaced. A diode is also called a crystal diode, Janediode, also known as the early vacuum electronic diode, was an electronic device that carried a unidirectional current. There is a PN junction inside the semiconductor-diode with two lead terminals, and this electronic device has unidirectional current transduction in accordance with the direction of applied voltage.

MD12H can be directly replaced by the following types of transistors: MD12H can be directly replaced by transistor models such as 2N2222SC181BC54IN58IN582. Although the parameters of these transistors are different from those of the MD12H, their basic function and responseLow power off-line switching power supply.

3, IRF540N, IRF9540N, SI2302, etc. MD12H is a N-channel depleting MOS tube, which can be directly replaced by IRF540N, IRF9540N, SI2302 and other models of MOS tubes. The parameters of these MOS tubes are similar to MD12H, the materials are similar, and they also play the same role in their functions. They need to be confirmed that their package and pin arrangement is the same as that of the MD12H to ensure that the replaced circuit can work properly.

What is the function of each pin of the music chip H051?

External crystal pin XTAL1 and XTAL2 ① The input end of the XTAL1 internal oscillator circuit inverting amplifier is a pin of the external crystal. This pin is grounded when an external oscillator is used. ② Output of XTAL2 internal oscillation circuit inverting amplifier. It's the other end of the external crystal. When an external oscillator is used, this pin connects to an external oscillator source.

② PROG function: chip with EPROM, in EPRThis pin inputs a programming pulse during OM programming. ⑵ PSEN: external ROM read select communication number. (3) RST/VPD: reset/standby power supply. ① RST (Reset) function: reset the signal input. ② VPD function: When the Vcc is powered off, it connects to the standby power supply. ⑷ EA/Vpp: internal and external ROM selection/on-chip EPROM programming power supply. ① EA function: internal and external ROM selection end.

The output level allowed by the address latch is used to latch the status byte of the address when external memory is accessed. During flash programming, this pin is usedInput programming pulse. At normal times, the ale terminal outputs a positive pulse signal at a constant frequency period, which is 1/6 of the oscillator frequency. It can therefore be used as a pulse for external output or for timing purposes. Note, however: whenever used as external data storage, an ale pulse is skipped.

ALE (Address Lock Enable) function is to access the external memory, P0 port as the address/data multiplexing port, ALE signal is used to lock the low 8-bit address. When the ALE signal is at high level, the information on port P0 is the low 8-bit address, at App: Internal and external ROM selection/on chip EPROM programming power supply. ① EA function: internal and external ROM selection end.