芯片手册ichaiyang 2024-05-30 3:05 73
1, As an embedded software engineer how to read the chip manual? How to see the chip data manual 4, How to quickly read the English chip manual? As an embedded software workerH...

Chip Manual (RTL8211 Chinese Chip Manual)

As an embedded software workerHow to read the chip manual?

If the English is not very good friend chip manual , it is recommended to try to find the Chinese datasheet to see, or the English is not very good, it is also recommended to find the Chinese version of the chip manual after, and then look at the English version, or a combination. If the English is relatively cattle, or is already very familiar with the structure of the article, it is recommended to read the English version directly, because the general English version of the error probability will be much lower.

See the chip manual programming mainly to see some important parameters and control timing of the chip. For example, DS18B20 (digital temperature sensor), mainly to see how to send various instructions, the timing of each instructionWhat is it like, how to read the temperature, the datasheet is introduced, and then look at its driving current, voltage, output voltage, and load capacity. There are also some operating temperature, humidity, accuracy and so on.

Embedded engineer) Embedded engineer * must master some theoretical knowledge and practical skills, a total of seven points, please see the following basic understanding of power wiring at least to have a basic understanding of the printed circuit board in the power supply wiring, understand the poor layout and wiring will cause what kind of consequences on the quality of the power supply, even if you have never personally designed a circuit board wiring, Also be able to seal on chaosBrush board layout problems that may be caused by debugging.

datasheet is the meaning of data chip manual. In embedded, the hardware interface and the hardware itself protocol determines that different types of hardware have different operation control methods, we need hardware manufacturers to do a good job of the chip, tell us how to control the hardware software engineers, then the data chip manual is a must. For example, cortex-A8 datasheet is the meaning of the A8 arm nuclear data manual.

Many friends want to know how to get started with embedded development, belowLet's find out. First of all, the C language is a programming language that must be mastered and skilled, and then it must be flexibly used, and it is necessary to master linux commands and installation, embedded development engineers must also understand the basic knowledge of hardware circuits and look at the schematic, embedded entry is not difficult, but learning is a long process, to lay a good foundation in order to take the next step.

Infineon TLF35584 Power Management chip Chinese manual interpretation [10,000 words]【

1. The Infineon TLF35584 is an efficient power management chip designed for multi-voltage supply. It integrates a serial boost/buck preregulator for a wide range of inputs from 0 to 40V. It is also equipped with LDO_Com (5V/200mA) and LDO_μC (5V/600mA or 3V/600mA) to ensure a stable power supply for the microcontroller.

How to see the chip data manual

1, focus on the chip chipParameters of manual Chip manual , and you can refer to some parameter diagrams given in the manual (such as TPC 1 chip manual , TPC2, etc.) chip manual , This is an important basis for whether to use the chip. Like the AD9945, you can focus on sampling rate (maximum clock rate), data bits (AD converter), power consumption (power con)sumption), adjustable gain range (gain range), etc.

2, to learn a single chip microcomputer, generally look for the manual is the first to look at Chinese, if you can not find the same model, at least find a similar model, thanks to the development of the network, commonly used single chip microcomputer Chinese information can generally be found.

3, if the English is not very good friends, it is recommended to try to find the Chinese datasheet, or the English is not very good, it is also recommended to find the Chinese version after reading, and then look at the English version, or a combination. If English is better,Or is already very understanding of the structure of the article, it is recommended to read the English version directly, because the general English version of the error probability will be much lower.

4, first of all, open the Baidu search engine in the browser, and search the chip data manual query, click the first result in the search results to enter. Then, enter the chip model in the search box on the home page of the open China Electronics Components network, and click the search button. Then, in the search results according to the model, manufacturer and description information to determine the chip to find, and click the details of the chip to enter.

5, inBaidu search chip data book, and open the first chip search website. Enter Chip manual the chip model you want to query in the search box. Check the model, manufacturer, description, and whether it is the chip you want to query. After finding the desired chip, click the name of the chip to open the details page, carefully look at the chip introduction, then check, and then click on the right to download the PDF data manual.

6, you will know to pick to look at the focus of the time you will find that looking at the chip manual is a quick learning step to enjoy the current microcontrollerThere are many kinds of single-chip computers, but 51 is the most basic, so the learning of single-chip computers is best to start from 51, not only easy to get started, but also quite practical.

How to quickly read the English chip manual?

Improve English reading level Chip manual : In terms of reading chip data manual chip manual , improving English reading ability is very important chip manual Yes. You can try to improve your reading ability by reading simple English articles, taking English learning courses, etc. Understand the basic knowledge of FPGA and circuit board design: First understand the working principle of FPGA, circuit board design methods and skills.

If the English is not very good friends, it is recommended to try to find the Chinese datasheet to see, or the English is not very good, it is also recommended to find the Chinese version after reading, and then look at the English version, or a combination. If the English is more cattle, or is already very understand the article structure of the datasheetIt is recommended to read the English version directly, because the error probability of the general English version will be much lower.

VCC power management chip Power supply VDD gate driver power supply voltage input or primary control signal power supply source VID-4 CPU and CPU power supply management chip VID signal connection pin, mainly indicates the output signal of the chip, so that the two field tubes output the correct working voltage. RUN SD SHDN EN Start pins for different chips. PGOOD PG cpu core power supply circuit normal working signal output.

Software data protectionSequence of commands Chip-Erase command (10H) address 555H in the past byte sequence. The internal deletion operation begins on the sixth rise along our # or CE #, whichever is first. In an internal delete operation, only valid reading is triggered by polling of bits or data #. See the command sequence in Table 4, as shown in Figure 10 and process flow in Figure 19. Any command written in the chip-delete operation will be ignored.

First of all, open the Baidu search engine in the browser, and search the chip data manual query, click the first result in the search results to enter.