芯片设计自学ichaiyang 2024-05-30 2:39 66
1, 2, How to learn a good single-chip programming design 3, Microcontroller self-study method and steps detailed I want to teach myself how to start the digital back-end design...

Chip design self-study (chip design self-study can learn)

I want to teach myself how to start the digital back-end design of integrated circuits

1. Learn by yourself. It is difficult to chip design self-study , there is no teaching material for layout design Chip design self-study , And chip design self-study You must not only look at the layout of the back end chip design self-study

2, hands-on practice: Combining theory with practice is the key to learning integrated circuit design and integrated system. To participate in more experimental courses and practical activities, through practical operations to consolidate the knowledge, improve their hands-on ability. Enter competitions and events: ParticipateVarious electronic design competitions and projects can exercise their teamwork and innovation ability, but also help to improve their professional skills.

3, design tools: master the commonly used integrated circuit design software, such as Cadence, Mentor Graphics, etc., these software can help you perform circuit simulation, layout and wiring work. Programming languages: Learn one or more programming languages, such as Verilog, VHDL, etc., which are commonly used in integrated circuit design hardware description languages for writing behavioral descriptions and structural descriptions of circuits.

4, starting from the most basic, first of all, the two basic courses of analog electricity should be learned, the reference book of analog electricity suggests Tong Shibai's Analog Circuit or Kang Huaguang's Digital Electronic Technology Foundation, and the reference book of digital electricity suggests Yan Shi's Digital Electronic Technology Foundation, followed by Liu Enke's Semiconductor Physics, there are three must-read Bibles for analog integrated circuit design. analysis and design of analog integrated ciucuits by paul gray.

5, the current major EDA companies, Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, have their own front-end and back-end design tools and environments. Which environment to use depends on the design process adopted by the designer. In general, Synopsys is used by many companies for front-end design, but the back-end design is more complex, and many design companies use a mix of different tools for each process.

6, between the specific digital circuit and the analysis and design method, the analysis and design method is the main. Between the concrete design steps and the concepts and principles on which they are based, the concepts and principles are the main ones. The inner workings of integrated circuits andMHM.

Beginners need to understand the structure and principle of single-chip computers, to lay a solid foundation for subsequent learning. Although it is difficult to build a single chip computer platform, there is a software called Proteus on the Internet, which can help you carry out the simulation of the single chip computer, your program can run in this software, the effect is realistic. And it's totally free! Keil Programming Keil and Wave are both good choices, but Keil is more recommended.

Learning SCM first master the basics of learning, c, mode electricity, digital electricity.

From a lofty point of viewStudent guidance is what they do best.

Also in understanding the instructions at the same time you have to understand the structure of your board that is, the circuit connection in order to write your program well. When you learn A certain degree, you can learn the peripheral circuit design of the single chip microcomputer, such as liquid crystal display, A/D conversion, and so on. In short, the actual programming practice is the only way to learn the single chip microcomputer, as for its relationship with the assembly, the upstairs brother has explained very clearly, not to say more, lest wordy.

Self-study chip design I think toThe following method is more appropriate: first learn 51 single chip microcomputer, it is the foundation, it is easier to start, 51 single chip microcomputer to learn well, with the inspiration of programming, and then learn other single chip microcomputer is easy. So, 51 MCU how to get started quickly? I have a rhyme: microcontroller, to learn well, have a knack, imitate first, and then improve. Practice plus theory, theory plus practice, understanding by heart is the most important.

Microcontroller self-study method and step details

and simple Self-study chip design Learning steps: Create engineering chip design self-study , learn how to compile, how to download, understand sbit, sfr and other 51 MCU unique register data structure. Learn the IO module of 51 microcontroller, use IO lighting (water light), control nixie, control 8*8 lattice module, key input. Learn 51 MCU interrupt module, first from the simplest external interrupt, use the interrupt way to identify key events.

The first few chapters of the MCU book, introduce the decimal, octal chapter and the basic structure of the MCUReview it. These two things can be applied to a person with average intelligence in a couple of days. Buy a single chip computer experiment board online (remember to have a supporting video, specifically for the experiment board, and very perfect after-sales technical support. For example, Tienu microcontroller has a very complete video and after-sales technical support service).

Learn theoretical knowledge, the book is recommended to see __ Wang Yun 51 microcontroller tutorial, combined with the video of the book together to understand; Wang Yun's MCU video is everywhere online.

I personally suggest that the preliminary study, MCU from C linguisticsI think the assembly is not suitable for beginners, after all, the university has opened C language courses, more familiar. Two software you have to use, the first is KEIL programming software, to use this to compile the program to produce HEX files, how to operate the specific need to find some information to learn, I believe you will get skilled in a day.

One: spend money to buy a single chip microcomputer learning board, do not require the function is too complete, for beginners you buy a lot of the kind of board, I suggest that there are water lights, digital tubes, independent keyboard, matrix keyboard, AD or DA (the same principle), liquid crystal, buzzer, this is almost.