1. Is the Are photonic chips real? 2, ˂a href='# US push photon chip, useDifference between electrical chip and ordinary chip 4, The silicon chips that have accompanied them for...

The difference between optical chip and silicon chip (What is the difference between optical chip and silicon chip)

Are photonic chips real?

Optical quantum chips are real. In February 2021, our national researchers published relevant papers in the world scientific journals, and attracted wide attention from all countries. It is reported that the main chips used in the world are mainly manufactured on the surface of semiconductor wafers and are miniaturized integrated circuits. As for the new optical quantum computing chip mentioned in this paper, it mainly adopts micro-nano processing technology to integrate a large number of optical quantum devices on a single chip.

Photonic Chip is based on the principle of photonicsThe integrated circuit chip, which uses photonic devices instead of traditional electronic devices, realizes the processing, transmission and control of optical signals. Compared with traditional electronic chips, photonic chips have the advantages of higher speed, lower energy consumption and greater bandwidth, so they have a wide range of applications in high-speed communication, data center, optical fiber communication and other fields.

Photonic chip sounds also quite cutting-edge, a little standing on the top of the technology inside the taste ~ but in fact photonic chip and electronic chip, as early as the 1980s has been born, although it is the twin brother of electronic chip, photonic chip is actually more than electronic chipHave a higher talent. According to data provided by Lightmatter, the chip is powered by a milliwatt-level laser light source, and the processor speed using silicon photonics and MEMS technology is 1,000 times faster than traditional chips, but the power consumption is only one-thousandth of that of ordinary electronic devices, and it is expected to be officially produced for commercial use in 2021. The main application field is in the future of artificial intelligence AI computing.

This silicon-based laser technology could make photonics more widely used in computers, because the use of large-scale silicon-based manufacturing techniques can greatly reduce costs. The BritishAlthough the technology is still a long way from commercialization, Terr believes that in the future, dozens or even hundreds of hybrid silicon lasers will be integrated into a single silicon-based chip, along with other silicon photonics components.

Chinese Academy of Sciences photonic chip, and no longer wait for the development cycle of the lithography machine! According to media reports, academician Guo Guangcan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came from the news that important progress has been made in the field of optical quantum chips, and the team cooperated with research groups such as Sun Yat-sen University and Zhejiang University, based on the photon energy Valley Hall effect.

US push photon chip for AI artificial intelligence computing, or officially commercialized in 2021

1, according to the data provided by Lightmatter, the chip is powered by a milliwatt-level laser light source, and the processor speed using silicon photonics and MEMS technology is 1,000 times faster than the traditional chip, but the power consumption is only one thousand times that of ordinary electronic devices, and is expected to be officially produced in 2021 for commercial use. The main application field is in the future of artificial intelligence AI computing.

2, silicon optical computing chip: after moleWith the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, especially the rise of large-scale models such as Zi Dong Tai, electronic computing platforms are facing unprecedented challenges. Optical computing, especially silicon optical computing chip, is gradually becoming the key to solve this problem because of its unique advantages of photonic devices.

3, the mass production of photonic chips is real. The photonic chip production line that will be put into mass production in 2023 was sampled in Beijing, and delivery is expected soon. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has also made key technological breakthroughs, developing 3-nanometer photonic chip transistor technology, which has laid a solid foundation for the mass production of photonic chipsBase.

4, photon chip has lower energy consumption. Compared with electronic chips, photonic chips consume less energy during transmission. This is because the transmission of the optical signal does not cause the loss of resistance and heat, reducing the waste of energy. This enables photonic chips to effectively reduce energy consumption and save costs in high-load scenarios such as large-scale data centers and cloud computing. The photonic chip also has high integration and anti-interference ability.

5, at present, photonic chips are mainly used in optical fiber communication, chemical, biological or spectral sensors, metrology, classical and quantum information processing and other specific applications, can be applicableAn integral part of the communication equipment system. The chip we often talk about is a silicon chip, which belongs to the semiconductor industry, such as CPU, storage, flash memory and so on. Optical chip is used to complete the conversion of photoelectric signals, is the core device, divided into active optical chip and passive optical chip. Optical chip includes laser, modulator, coupler, wavelength division multiplexer, detector and so on.

3, different applications, different functions. Different applications: the photoelectric chip is mainly used in the communication industry, is an indispensable part of the communication equipment system; Semiconductor chips are widely used in various electronic products. ineffectiveSame: photoelectric chip mainly transmits information through optical signal; Semiconductor chips mainly use electronic signals to transmit information.

4, the difference between photonic chips and traditional electronic chips is that the calculation medium is different. High-end electronic chips need to use high-precision EUV lithography machines to carve out chip circuits on silicon wafers and integrate tens of billions of transistors. The photonic chip is the use of light waves as the carrier of information transmission and data calculation, so there is no need for high-precision lithography machines, and the current level of China's lithography machines can also meet the basic needs.

5, photoelectric chip is an integrated optical andMicrochips for electronic components. A photoelectric chip is a miniature integrated device that converts optical signals into electrical signals or electrical signals into optical signals. It is composed of multiple units with different materials and different functions, including excitation source, modulator, amplifier, detector, etc.

6, and the traditional optical mouse is obtained by irradiating the shadow generated by the rough surface. Therefore, the laser can produce a greater contrast to the image of the surface, which makes the image obtained by the "CMOS imaging sensor" easier to distinguish, improving the positioning accuracy of the mouse. So the sensor's chip is just picking up a different spectrum, that'sLaser light frequency is higher.

The silicon chips that have accompanied them for more than 50 years are finally being replaced, how fast will the new chips run?

1, scientists successfully developed 2D metal chips, memory speed significantly increased researchers in the pursuit of faster, more efficient storage technology on the road to a breakthrough. The US team, who present their innovation in the journal Nature Physics, use tungsten telluride (2D) metal chips just three atoms thick to achieve a significant increase in memory speed,Compared with the traditional silicon chip, its performance is more excellent.

2. Apple m1 is about 50% stronger than a14. Compared to the A14, the M1 has twice as many DDR interfaces, twice as many high-performance CPU cores, twice as many GPU cores, and five times as much L2 cache to support Apple Firestorm core. The smaller IceStorm core uses the same size L2 in both A14 and M1. The NPU of the two chips is also identical.

3. In addition, gallium nitride has high heat dissipation and volumeThe advantages of small, small loss. If gallium nitride can be developed, it will not be a problem to replace silicon-based chips. Gallium nitride can be used in chargers, components, etc. Silicon-based chips dominated the chip world for decades, and it was Americans who developed the silicon material and mastered the patented technology. So as long as silicon-based chips are used, no matter how much technology is self-developed, it is difficult to bypass American technology from the root. 4, according to data provided by Lightmatter, the chip is powered by a milliwatt-level laser light source, and the processor using silicon photonics and MEMS technology is 1,000 times faster than traditional chipsIt has only one thousandth of the power consumption of ordinary electronic devices, and is expected to be formally produced for commercial use in 2021, and the main application field is in the future artificial intelligence AI computing.