xmos芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-29 13:34 107
1, Difference between Yuron Canaries 1st and 2nd generation 2, xmos driver installed but not played with Kugou music 3, Do you need to XMOS asynchronous USB digital interfaceNood...

xmos chip (xmos chip or 9227 which is better)

Difference between 1st and 2nd generation of Yulong Canaries

Yulong Canary generation andThe difference between the second generation is as follows: xmos chip : Hardware parameters In the internal design, the second generation of the sparrow inherits the advantages of the first generation xmos chip at the same time xmos chip , but also through the upgrade of the decoding chip and some black technology to achieve the overall performance improvement. Taking the overall level of entry-level mini machines to a new level.

Canary II's design is small and delicate, the angular lines show the modern and strength, and the rich interface layout caters toThe diversified needs of modern users. Internal innovation, the application of a new generation of decoding chips and black technology, so that the sound source processing capacity has been greatly improved, the ear part has been carefully optimized, not only to maintain a large push, the sound quality is beyond the previous work, warm and smooth, low frequency performance is balanced, adding a poetic time to the quiet time at night.

The Yulong Canary II can push the 300 euro ear. It is displayed based on query related public information. Yulong Canary II as a desktop fan xmos chip you decode the ear, the body is not large, small and delicate, the appearance isPolygon, angular, top middle has a bulge, adds a smart, very durable. Available in three colors, silver, black and red.

Yes. According to the relevant information query of the second generation of canary, the second generation of canary, the sound style is soft and waxy, the quality is general, and the listening can be done. The second generation decoding is also sent, the sound is warm, the details are not clear enough, and the ear is loud and thick. So overall it's not good.

Yes. By optimizing A class amplifier module, power supply, coupled with careful adjustment, the canary continues the previous generation of large thrust at the same time, the sound is more nice, Baiya 99xmos driver installed but not played with Kugou music '>xmos driver installed but not played with Kugou music

1, xmos driver installation but can not play with cool dog music [question] It is recommended to use the following software to install sound card driver try. Computer silent troubleshooting methods are as follows: (1) First check the right side of the task bar for "small speaker". If there is a xmos chip , the sound card is normal, and the fault may be caused by the system sound is too small, or the silence is set, or the speaker is faulty. You can continue to check for sound through the headsetOutput, if any, is a fault with the speaker.

2, cool dog music can not be played, there may be a variety of situations that lead to such problems, such as network problems, the installation of cool dog music caused by the application volume and device preferences of the default output device loss, computer problems, etc. (sound card is not driven, the line of the sound card is not connected, the speaker is muted, etc.), encountered such a situation, You can rule them out and solve the problem.

3, see if the music APP is muted. Mobile phone can not listen to music through Bluetooth headset, do as follows. Delete Bluetooth pairing information Reconnect (excludedConnection problem). Connect its xmos chip his Bluetooth headset to try (troubleshoot headset issues). The backup data is restored to factory defaults. If the problem still exists, please bring the purchase invoice, repair card and machine to the after-sales service, by professional after-sales engineers to help detect.

4, the reason why the cool dog music can not be played is: Network connection problem: the network is unstable or slow, resulting in the normal loading of Cool dog music, you can try to check the network Settings, reconnect to wifi or change a more stable network environment.

5, reboot coolDog music or computer is a common solution to the computer version of cool dog music does not play properly. Software conflicts or resource usage: Sometimes, other running software may conflict with Cool dog music, or too many resources are occupied, causing Cool Dog music to not function properly. At this point, completely shutting down and restarting Cool Dog Music may solve the problem.

6. Double-click the Cool Dog music shortcut on your desktop to open it. Turn it on, play a piece of music, and find that it plays, but there is no sound. Then you can only go through one by one: right-click the computer on the desktop, and click Manage in the menu that appearsOption, in the open page, click the device manager on the left, find the speakers in the right page, you can see that they have been driven, the operation is normal, which indicates that there is no problem with the driver.

Is it necessary to use XMOS asynchronous USB digital interface

USB DoP scheme can only support DSD128 (* Note) xmos chip , with USB ASIO native transmission mode xmos chip , you can support DSD256 or even DSD512. I got the U8 solution a few years ago, and only had time to settle down two days ago to transplant it to L1, and I can decode DSD256 with ES9018 test.

big. According to the query of the relevant information of the usb digital interface, the usb digital interface greatly improves the sound quality of the mobile phone. USB transmission is digital signal, and the impact of sound quality is digital signal decoding. USB digital audio interface products, the improvement of sound quality is very obvious.

Whatever, use the ear mainlyTo improve the sound quality. Everything else is just a cloud. When you listen to music on your laptop, the sound quality is compromised. If you want high sound quality, you can only use a CD player. Or lossless player.

No, XMOS XU208-128-QF48 is enough to do USB Audio, and the RAM is not used much, so it has nothing to do with RAM. Of course, the MIPS value affects the processing speed and the I/O inversion speed, but the MIPS value of both XU208 is the same. The U8 does not reach the XU208 specification, which can reach 768KHz sampling rate.

is analog USB is a serial port, the output is definitely digital.

Below 2000 which brand DSD decoder is good

1, USB DoP scheme can only support DSD128 (* note) xmos chip , with USB ASIO native transmission mode, you can support DSD256 or even DSD512. Got the U8 plan years ago. Two days agoWith time to settle down and port it to L1, testing with ES9018 can decode DSD256.

2. Yue Er decoder (Top ten decoder brands, Yue Er law).

3, Yajun ARCAM irDAC-II digital preconverter Product introduction: "Yajun irDAC-II is a USB DAC, digital preamplifier and headphone amplifier, with advanced xmos chip Bluetooth and remote control functions.

4. Marantz. Audio decoder in 2023Among the top ten brands, Marantz ranks first for its excellent quality. Few in the Hi-Fi world have a history as illustrious as Marantz, which employs more than 1,600 people in more than 50 countries around the world.