苹果无线充床头ichaiyang 2024-05-08 22:17 28
Yes, but you'd better notApple has warned users to avoid charging their iPhone by their bed while they sleep, according to a high-profile security report. The alert points out that...

Can you charge your iPhone by your bed?

Yes, but you'd better not

Apple has warned users to avoid charging their iPhone by their bed while they sleep, according to a high-profile security report. The alert points out that the high temperature generated when the phone is charged can cause potential harm to the human body, especially when the user is in bed, and the high temperature can lead to the risk of skin burns.

With the popularity of smart phones, mobile phones have long become indispensable in People's Daily life. However, while enjoying the convenience, we can not ignore the potential security risks. Especially at night, many people have developed the habit of placing their mobile phones in bed to charge, but this habit may not only shorten the battery life of mobile phones, but also pose a risk to our health.