First, the current mobile phone card must use my ID card, that is, the real name system. However, there are still a lot of live cards, that is, cards that have been opened and have...

My cell phone number is not with my ID card, how to change it?

First, the current mobile phone card must use my ID card, that is, the real name system. However, there are still a lot of live cards, that is, cards that have been opened and have someone else's name. This type of card is generally used up the phone fee is thrown away, there are no other problems. The number segment is better recommended to use their own ID card is better, if the card did not use their own ID card, it is recommended to find the sale of the card to re-register user information or transfer.

Second, any mobile phone number corresponds to an ID card, want to change the binding of a number (owner information), must have the number of the owner of the ID card and to take over the number of people with my ID card together to go to the business hall for transfer procedures, generally free.

Third, the mandatory requirement is the above situation, and there is the person who sells the mobile phone card, the number dealer, the internal staff can handle the transfer procedure with the copy.