电脑芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:46 33
1, CPU: Central processing unit, is a very large scale integrated circuit, there are many pins, is the core of the computer, it is the core of the computer to perform operations an...

What do computer cpus and graphics cards mean?

1, CPU: Central processing unit, is a very large scale integrated circuit, there are many pins, is the core of the computer, it is the core of the computer to perform operations and control, processing all kinds of information operations, just like people calculate math problems to use the mind to calculate.

2, memory: memory refers to the semiconductor storage unit that stores data and instructions in the computer system, which can be divided into main memory and auxiliary memory according to its use. Is usually open the computer to run the program, the operation of the program in the computer is carried out in memory (such as the system, open word, listen to music, etc.).

3, the graphics card: is the display and the host communication control circuit and interface, its role is to convert the digital signal of the host to analog signal, and displayed on the display. The basic function of the graphics card is to control the output of the graphics.

4, hard disk: hard disk is a fixed storage device, its storage medium is a number of steel disk, its characteristics: fast, large capacity, high reliability, almost no wear problems, usually open files, create files, download things and so on are stored on this hardware.