电脑芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:46 34
difference1. Long-term performanceThe design of the automotive chip needs to be more forward-looking, to meet the needs of customers in the next 15 years, but also to support the i...

The difference between a computer chip and a car chip?


1. Long-term performance

The design of the automotive chip needs to be more forward-looking, to meet the needs of customers in the next 15 years, but also to support the iterative upgrade of the software.

Step 2: Security

Including functional safety and information security.

1) First of all, in terms of functional safety, for example, if the computer crashes, it can be restarted, although it will affect the user's experience, it will not bring other effects to the user. For the car gauge chip, this is unacceptable, imagine if the car's system crashes, it is likely to bring security risks and even safety accidents.

Therefore, in the design link of the car gauge chip, it is necessary to strictly control the safety from the three links of architecture, design and production. For example, in terms of architecture, the vehicle gauge level chip needs to have an independent safety island design, and in terms of key modules, computing modules, buses, memory, etc., it is necessary to have ECC and CRC data verification to ensure higher security.

2) In terms of information security, the Internet of vehicles makes the car a terminal that is connected to multiple parties in real time. More connections mean more risks, so the design of the car-scale chip should fully consider data encryption and avoid data leakage to prevent hackers.