Upgrade is recommended. The 14.8 is the ultimate version of the 14 series, and phones that have been upgraded to 14 are recommended to be upgraded to 14.8. According to many review...

Do you recommend upgrading Apple xs14.8?

Upgrade is recommended. The 14.8 is the ultimate version of the 14 series, and phones that have been upgraded to 14 are recommended to be upgraded to 14.8. According to many reviews, the A11 (8, 8P, X) and A12 (XR, XS, XSM) series recommend ios14.8, while the A13 (11, 11p, 11PM) and A14 (12, 12P, 12PM) recommend trying ios15. Among them, A12 is the minimum requirement to experience the new features represented by photo text conversion in ios15, you can also try 15, but certainly 14.8 is more stable.