If you look at it from the perspective of experience, it must be that the mobile phone is quickly charged, and it charges faster. However, from the point of view of battery mainten...

Mobile phone charging fast charge or slow charge?

If you look at it from the perspective of experience, it must be that the mobile phone is quickly charged, and it charges faster. However, from the point of view of battery maintenance, slow charging is better for battery life. ; At present, most of the companies that provide fast charge solutions have not given their impact on battery life from the battery point of view, but the battery capacity of more than 80% after 500 battery charging and discharging under the national standard is qualified, and the impact on use is not large within a year.

Answer: Mobile phone charging or slow charge good! The mobile phone charges slowly, the mobile phone battery heats slowly, and the mobile phone is not easy to get hot, which is also good for the service life of the mobile phone. Therefore, under the conditions of time, try to take slow charging.

Choose fast charge, because the development of fast charge technology is relatively mature, fast charge within 100w is now very safe, fast and safe, only need to wait for half an hour can be filled.

Mobile phone charging is of course fast charge, slow charge will have an impact on the battery

Mobile phone charging must be fast charging, fast charging speed, you can fill the battery of the phone in a short time, and you can use it immediately after full.