芯片是什么行业ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:45 46
Can engage in chip work, the following professional can engage in chip work, electronic information class, electrical class, automation class, computer class: these majors are bias...

Can the machinery industry engage in chips?

Can engage in chip work, the following professional can engage in chip work, electronic information class, electrical class, automation class, computer class: these majors are biased to circuit or programming, suitable for chip circuit design work.

Physics and applied physics are easy to change careers.

Instrument class, energy power class, nuclear engineering class, mechanical class: to strengthen the circuit.

Materials: to supplement the circuit knowledge. Chip manufacturing and process direction can also be considered.

Environmental Science and Engineering, Mechanics: to supplement the basic knowledge of circuits.

Other majors in engineering: to supplement the knowledge of physics and circuits, and then study microelectronics courses

The machinery industry can also engage in chips, because in the chip inside, he also has many people equipment, as well as public welfare, he needs to use professional talents in the machinery industry, so as long as it is a normal factory, they need to use some professional talents in the self-study industry, your professional words are relatively popular.

Sure, but with a research team and funding