t8无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:57 26
Does your wireless mouse have a rechargeable lithium battery? If it is, it will not be equipped with a charging line, it should be similar to the general mobile phone charging line...

How to charge a wireless mouse?

Does your wireless mouse have a rechargeable lithium battery? If it is, it will not be equipped with a charging line, it should be similar to the general mobile phone charging line, plug into the interface of your mouse, and then plug in the USB port, not to charge. General wireless mouse is the use of No. 5 or no. 7 dry battery, I use Leiber T8 wireless mouse is the use of dry battery, such a mouse you can use rechargeable battery, directly remove the battery, with a special charger, you can continue to use.

In fact, there are several wireless mouse 1, with two 1.5V batteries, can not be charged, battery power with play or insufficient power to change the battery can be 2, is the use of lithium batteries, insufficient power or no power can be directly plugged into the computer to charge