Slow charging is more durableGenerally speaking, the battery charging too fast may lead to a shorter battery life, and slow charging can effectively delay the service life of the b...

Mobile phone slow charge or fast charge which battery is durable?

Slow charging is more durable

Generally speaking, the battery charging too fast may lead to a shorter battery life, and slow charging can effectively delay the service life of the battery, shortcomings, can not be timely replenishment of power, take a longer time.

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Past chromium-nickel batteries are very important in this regard, beyond the battery voltage is certain to reduce life. Now are lithium batteries in this respect the difference has been very small, otherwise those flash charge, super fast charge battery life are greatly reduced that line ah.

Slow charge and Fast charge One of the most durable ways to use a battery is slow charge. Both the battery life and the durability of the battery have an excellent experience. Unlike rapid charging, the damage to the battery is actually relatively large.

Apple's mobile phone system completely adopts the way of slow charging mobile phones, which can play a great role in protecting mobile phone batteries. I hope my answer can help you.

If you look at it from the perspective of experience, it must be that the mobile phone is quickly charged, and it charges faster. However, from the point of view of battery maintenance, slow charging is better for battery life. At present, most of the companies that provide fast charge solutions have not given their impact on battery life from the battery point of view, but the battery capacity of more than 80% after 500 battery charging and discharging under the national standard is qualified, and the impact on use is not large within a year.