Hurt the carBecause the fast charge is the direct current directly stored in the battery, so the fast charge for the battery will be very high, the power of the direct current is v...

Ian y fast charge and slow charge which hurt the car?

Hurt the car

Because the fast charge is the direct current directly stored in the battery, so the fast charge for the battery will be very high, the power of the direct current is very large, charging is to let the electrons accelerate from the positive to the negative flow, so a long time or frequent fast charge, will lead to the battery pack temperature rise, the battery decay will be faster.

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The process of charging is that the electrons inside the battery go from positive to negative, fast charging mode, the flow rate of electrons is accelerated, may cause the battery to heat up too fast, may not be able to balance the charge, that is, we usually charge the mobile phone will be common \"virtual\

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The slow charge is the use of alternating current, current and power are relatively small, although the charging time will be longer, but the battery life has a good guarantee, the cost of electricity will be relatively low. However, fast charging will not necessarily seriously damage the battery, after all, most battery factories will be equipped with a battery management system when developing the battery system, which will be provided to everyone in the case of battery safety. But keep in mind that no matter how perfect the battery is, long-term rapid charging will eventually affect the life of the battery. You don't need to worry too much about the occasional quick charge.

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All in all, slow charge time is too long, fast charge damages battery life, hope that the future charging mode technology of wireless charge that is currently being developed can get more support, and can be popularized and applied more quickly.