A chip is a tiny electronic device, also known as an integrated circuit. At present, in addition to some international giants, the chip industry has formed the separation and common development of the design industry, processing manufacturing industry, packaging and testing industry. Chips are the foundation of the information industry, accounting for more than 80% of global sales of semiconductor products, and are used in almost all electronic equipment fields such as computers, home appliances, digital electronics, automation, electrical, communications, transportation, medical, and aerospace.
With the promotion of the market and the strong support of policies, China's chip industry has been rapid development, the scale is increasing, the industrial structure is also constantly optimized, and the overall strength has been significantly improved.
A: 1, the ic chip industry has good prospects: it will achieve a high compound annual growth rate of 13.7% between 2020 and 2025.
2, chips produced in China will still account for only 10% of the global integrated circuit market by 2025.