oneThe mobile phone system is faulty. Solution: If you encounter this problem, you can directly shut down and restart, which is equivalent to data refresh, and the power will retur...

OPPO r11 mobile phone charging tips have but can not rush in what is the reason?


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The mobile phone system is faulty. Solution: If you encounter this problem, you can directly shut down and restart, which is equivalent to data refresh, and the power will return to normal.

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The charger is faulty. Solution: If this kind of failure, replace with other chargers to try, if you can charge, you can determine that the charger is faulty, need to replace a new charger.

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The charger is in poor contact with the phone.

Check if the cable is not plugged properly. If yes, it is. Change another Android cable to charge, Android phone charging cable is universal! If not, then change the charging head, if not recommended to send repair