1, the difference between fast charging and slow charging is: different current, different charging time, different temperature.2, the current is different fast charge: fast charge...

What is the difference between fast charging and slow charging?

1, the difference between fast charging and slow charging is: different current, different charging time, different temperature.

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2, the current is different fast charge: fast charge is the use of 30%C current to charge the battery.

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3, 2, slow charge: Slow charge is the use of 10%C current to charge the battery.

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4, two, charging time is different fast charging: fast charging time is the same appliance, fast charging a charge is shorter than slow charging a charge, fast charging higher charging efficiency.

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5, 2, slow charge: slow charge charging time is the same appliance, slow charge a charge time is longer than fast charge a charge, slow charge charging efficiency is lower.

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6, three, different temperature fast charge: fast charge because the charging current is larger than the slow charge, the charging speed is faster than the slow charge speed, resulting in the temperature rise of the electrical charging heat process, and the safety is lower.

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7, 2, slow charge: slow charge because the charging current is smaller than the fast charge, the charging speed is slower than the fast charge speed, resulting in the temperature rise of the electrical charging heat process is slow, and the safety is higher.

The principle of slow charge is to let the direct current pass in the opposite direction of the discharge to restore the active substance in the battery.

If each half peak of the rectified output pulsating voltage exceeds the output voltage of the battery, the SCR is triggered by the collector current of Q, and the electricity flows through the thyristor to charge the battery.