1, the fault phenomenon: first check whether the connection of the charging circuit is reliable, check whether the connection and plug contact is intact, carefully check whether th...

Yadi electric car is not satisfied with electricity?

1, the fault phenomenon: first check whether the connection of the charging circuit is reliable, check whether the connection and plug contact is intact, carefully check whether the socket and plug have a \"spark\" burning arc phenomenon, there is no line damage and broken line.

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Check whether the charger is damaged and whether the charging parameters meet the requirements: that is, the initial charging current reaches 1.6-2.5A\/ only; The maximum charging voltage reaches 14.8-14.9V\/ piece, the charging float charging conversion current reaches 0.3-0.4A\/ piece, and the floating charging voltage reaches 14.0-14.4V\/ piece.

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Check whether there is a drying phenomenon inside the battery, that is, whether the battery is seriously short of liquid, and check whether there is irreversible sulfation of the plate. The irreversible sulfation of the plate can be determined by measuring the change of its terminal voltage. When charging, the voltage of the battery rises particularly fast, and some single cell voltage is particularly high, which exceeds the normal value a lot; When discharging, the voltage drops particularly fast, and the battery does not save electricity or has little power. If the above situation occurs, it can be judged that the battery has irreversible sulfation.