Twelve of them.Tire is one of the most important parts of the trailer, through checking the tire temperature and tire pressure during the trailer driving, when the tire temperature...

How much air does 1200 steel wire tire fill in summer?

Twelve of them.

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Tire is one of the most important parts of the trailer, through checking the tire temperature and tire pressure during the trailer driving, when the tire temperature and tire pressure is abnormal, it can reduce the trailer safety accident caused by tire problems.

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Tire pressure temperature monitoring system monitors the pressure and temperature in the tire in real time, and sends the collected tire pressure and temperature data to the adapter in the form of radio frequency. The adapter amplifies the received signal and transmits it to the display in the driver's room. The display receives the signal and displays the relevant data on the display after processing. And according to the user-set pressure and temperature alarm value to judge, when beyond the set value, the display issued the corresponding alarm prompt.

1200 tires on the front wheel, generally filled with 12-13 air pressure on the line. If it is on the rear wheel (not overloaded), it is generally 13.5-14 air pressure. However, if you encounter high temperature weather or overloaded long-distance driving, you should properly adjust the tire pressure to ensure the service life of the tire!