芯片ETF走势ichaiyang 2024-05-06 17:35 212
This article catalogue at a glance: 1, OTC institutions can not sit still! 8.2 billion funds by way of ETFs to chase up into the field of semiconductors, chips were collective swee...

Chip ETF Trend (Chip ETF Stock Quotes)

This article catalogue at a glance:

  • 1, OTC institutions can not sit still! 8.2 billion funds by way of ETFs to chase up into the field of semiconductors, chips were collective sweep.
  • 2, Have semiconductor funds risen recently? 3,Semiconductor set off a wave of stops, nearly 20 shares stopped or rose more than 10%, these areas are expected to usher in the valuation repair market ... 4, Will the chip etf adjust its position? 5, Chip etf will adjust the position? Three major adjustment position standard

    OTC institutions can't help it! 8.2 billion funds by way of ETFs to chase the rise into the field of semiconductors, chips were collectively sweeping

    This week, the market's major indices rebounded collectively, the OTC funds began to chase the rise into the field, five index ETFs this week, a total net inflow of about 8.2 billion yuan, of which the CSI 300 ETF, Tech 50 ETF net inflow of 3.1 billion yuan, 2.7 billion yuan, respectively.

    l New Clean Energy: the mother of 17.5 billion in the interim report, slightly exceeding market expectations, the agency raised its forecast to 3.5 billion. l Tong Fu Microelectronics: the mother of 3.7-4.2 billion in the midterm report, the agency will be upgraded from 700 million to 800 million in net profit.

    In fact, the position of the Noonan growth is very simple, is full of chip semiconductors, because it is a pike, so fluctuations are very large, and not fund managers like to play with the feelings of the base.

    Has the semiconductor class fund risen recently?

    Semiconductor fund share growth. In the semiconductor sector soared, led by the heavy semiconductor over-the-counter funds and over-the-counter tracking chip industry index funds rose collectively, such as chip ETF funds, chip 50 ETF and chip leading ETFs rose more than 6%.

    Will. According to the query Huaxia CSI semiconductor chip fund related information can be seen, Huaxia CSI semiconductor chip fund will rise. Huaxia CSI Semiconductor Chip ETF fund rose 82% on August 11, the current price of 265 yuan, traded 697,248,000 yuan.

    Year December semiconductor fund can not rise. 2022 the fund will rise, just will not rise, local rise. Similar to 2021, the new energy fund went up fun, but the pharmaceutical and consumer funds performed poorly.

    However, throughout the year, the semiconductor theme fund overall performance is poor, most of the funds lost more than 20% during the year. Data show that fund investors for semiconductor themed funds, but the attitude of the more down the more buy trend.

    Semiconductor set off a wave of stops, nearly 20 shares stopped or rose more than 10%, these areas are expected to usher in the valuation repair market ...

    1, the rising tide of semiconductors surged. News, Warren Buffett's company plunge TSMC and other good news stimulus, November 15, A-share market, Wind Semiconductor Select Index soared more than 7%, semiconductor stocks large area of stops, including Polycentron shares, Chuangyao technology and other 20 shares to achieve stops or rose more than 10%. Semiconductor industry bull market signals.

    2, A-share Wind Semiconductor Select Index soared more than 7%, stocks set off a wave of stops, including Polycentron shares, Chuangyao Technology 20cm stop, Josun micro (300782), core punk micro, the Holy State shares (300661), and Lin micro-nano, Weir shares (603501), Zhao Yi innovation (603986) and other nearly 20 shares stopped or rose more than 10 per cent.

    3, it is not difficult to see, the latest round of semiconductor companies set off a "wave of price increases" are similar reasons, namely: due to the upstream raw materials and packaging costs continue to rise, and capacity constraints, the procurement cycle is extended, the product cost increased significantly, so enhance the product price to share the cost pressure.

    4, is a leading integrated circuit chip products and solutions provider, products and applications at home and abroad, in the intelligent security chip, high stability memory chips, security independent FPGA, power semiconductor devices, ultra-stable crystal frequency devices and other core business areas have formed a leading competitive situation and market position.

    Will the chip etf adjust its position?

    1, investors can look for buying and selling opportunities based on the trend of the chip etf, but also based on the trend of its underlying stocks to predict the trend of the chip etf, buying and selling operations, it is important to note that the sample stocks selected for the chip etf will not be set in stone, and will be adjusted accordingly.

    2, ETF can be adjusted, ETF's trend collection and the trend of the index is the same, but the fund manager in tracking the ETF at the same time, but also may invest in the relevant constituent stocks, so the ETF fund can be adjusted, just adjusting the position will not be announced, usually only announced the top ten stocks.

    3, etf fund is a passive fund, it is generally selected specific index constituent stocks as the object of investment, therefore, when the index position change, etf naturally will also adjust the position change, if the index did not adjust the position change, then etf will not be adjusted to change the position.

    Chip etf will adjust the position? The three major adjustment criteria

    Investors can look for buying and selling opportunities based on the trend of the chip etf, but also based on the trend of its underlying stocks to predict the trend of the chip etf, buying and selling operations, it is important to note that the chip etf selected sample stocks will not remain unchanged, and will be adjusted accordingly.

    ETF can adjust its position, ETF's trend collection and the trend of the index is the same, but the fund manager in tracking the ETF at the same time, may also invest in the relevant constituent stocks, so the ETF fund can be adjusted, but the adjustment of the position will not be announced, usually only announced the top ten long position stocks.

    ETF funds are passive funds, which generally select specific index constituents as the object of investment, so when the index position change, the ETF will naturally change positions, if the index does not change positions, then the ETF will not be adjusted.